Bucks vs. Pacers/Bucks vs. Celtics

The Milwaukee Bucks have been on a roll recently with the last few games. This week we played the Boston Celtics and the Indiana Pacers, winning both games. The game against the pacers was wild, especially considering we didn’t have Giannis. We beat the pacers 113-140 without Giannis which is one of the best scoring games we’ve had. Kure Holiday had 28 points with 14 assists. This is one of the best performances I’ve seen from him not only on this team but his career in the NBA. He was passing the ball really well and shooting super consistently at shooting 11/15. Khris Middleton shot pretty well too with 25 points shooting 10/21, and Pat Connaughton with 20 points shooting 7-9. We made a lot of threes that game which helped a lot. Against the Celtics we started off really strong but couldn’t seem to score much in the 4th quarter. Giannis came back for this game but didn’t score much, so Khris Middleton took over and shot for 27 points and we won by 2 points. Overall the Bucks are playing much better and if we continue to play like this then we can make a deeper running in the playoffs and reach the finals. Let me know your guy’s thoughts! 

Bucks vs. Wizards/Bucks vs. 76ers

The Milwaukee Bucks seem to be back to winning after the all-star break. This past week we played the wizards twice and the 76ers on Wednesday and got wins on all 3 games. Our games against the wizards were all around great games. We scored pretty efficiently and got a lot of stops on defense. As for the Philadelphia game, I’d say we got away with a win at that one. We shot a total of 39% from the field in that game, and our bench didn’t put up much numbers at all. Bobby Portis is usually someone on our bench we can rely on to score for us, but he ended up only making one out of eight shots taken all game. Giannis had a rough start but was able to move past that and score 32 points and 15 rebounds. He might as well have been the reason we won this game because no one was was really playing well. 

In other news, the Milwaukee Bucks traded D.j. Augustine and D.j. Wilson to the Rockets, while we acquired P.j. Tucker and Rodion Kurucs. P.j Tucker I believe will be a great addition to the Bucks roster. I think we need some more big, gritty men in our roster with some muscle on. P.j Tucker has a lot of experience while also having a lot to give still. Defensively he is a powerhouse which we need. What do you guys think? Let me know!

All-Star Weekend Break

The bucks didn’t play this week and instead the all-star break occurred. I had the opportunity to watch all of the events and will be talking about that instead. To start at the skills challenge, I was quite surprised to see some of the contestants that were in it, and was most surprised by who won it. Coming into it I would’ve thought that Chris Paul or Luka Doncic would’ve won the skills challenge. But they both lost first. I was also surprised that someone like Robert Covington was even in the challenge, as I’ve never seen him with much skill other than shooting. Domantas Sabonis won the challenge beating every contestant which was surprising to me but I knew he was a capable passer. For the dunk contest there really isn’t anything to write home about. I feel as if I’ve seen the dunks before and they just weren’t that exciting. It’s hard to compare because of all the great dunkers in the past like Vince carter, Zach Lavine, Clyde Drexler and much more, so I just don’t expect anything great anymore I suppose. The all-star game in itself was quite fun to watch though. Steph curry was shooting per usual the whole night, while also winning the 3 pt contest, which I assumed would happen coming in. And for a great ending Giannis won all-star mvp which was nice to see. Overall it was nice to see the players have a break from the regular season, and I’m hoping Giannis and the Bucks will come back stronger than before! Let me know if you guys have anything to add or thoughts!

Bucks vs. Clippers/Nuggets/Grizzlies

We had two wins this week, and a loss. Our game against the Clippers was a solid win. We shot well, defended pretty well and overall deserved the win. Our other win was against the grizzlies. We should’ve won by a lot more honestly, but our defense was slacking hard in the second half which is why we won by only one point. This leads to the loss against the nuggets. It’s unfortunate to say that Brook Lopez has been falling apart on our team both defensively and offensively. He’s a big guy at the center position, but he settles for a 3 or a mid range jump shot too often. And on defense, he’s very slow and can’t defend any center that is a little bit athletic. Another player I’m having an issue with is D.J. Augustine. He’s a great ball handler, but that is literally it. He can’t shoot, cant penetrate to the basket and is a major liability on defense, especially when he gets switched up on someone 6’5 or taller. For some reason we’ve had him starting at point guard for a few games, and he really hasn’t made a contribution to our team except for giving up too many points to the other team, and occasionally making a shot. A huge issue with our team as well is that there isn’t any movement of anyone trying to get open on offense. What I see still is everyone standing around while one person tries to score. This was heavily exposed during the nuggets game. Although we did get a couple wins, we still need to fix these flaws if we want to make a playoff run. Let me know what you guys think about this and add any thoughts!