Gameplay and Infromational Guide

Tag Freinds

Getting to Know the Community: The Wizard

For this week’s Getting to Know the Community post, we are going to be taking a look at the Wizard. In my past posts, I have talked about the Wizard quite a bit, but now I will tell you a… Continue Reading →

Getting to Know The Community: Harvey

Harvey For this week’s Getting to Know The Community post, we are just going to be taking a look at the villager, Harvey. We will talk about his occupation, his freinds and family, and gifts that he likes and dislikes…. Continue Reading →

Getting to Know the Community: Gus and Emily

I am back here again this week to introduce you to some villagers that are part of Stardew Valley. Today we are going to take a look at the two villagers, Gus and Emily. I will be discussing their occupations,… Continue Reading →

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