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Within the game of Stardew Valley, there are many festivals that occur that you can go to and enjoy different activities, challenges, prizes, and items you can buy. For this week’s post, I will be going through each season and discussing the festivals that occur in each. I will go into depth about the festivals and talk about the time they occur, the reason for the festival, activities you can participate in, and items you are able to buy from small stand-up shops.
Spring Festivals
During the season of spring, there are a total of two festivals: The Egg Festival and the Flower Dance
The Egg Festival

The first festival that occurs within the game is The Egg Festival. You can say that this festival represents the holiday that many celebrate, Easter. The Egg Festival takes place on the 13th day of spring. Between 9am and 2pm on that day, you can head over to Pelican Town to be able to join the festival. The main attraction of the Egg Festival is the egg hunt. You are put up against some of the villagers and your goal is to be the one who finds the most eggs. If you are playing solo, you will need to find nine eggs in 50 seconds to win. If you are in a multiplayer world, the number of eggs you need to collect to win changes. If there are two players you need six eggs, five eggs with three players, and four eggs with four players. If you do win, you will be rewarded with a straw hat. If you happen to win again in later years, you will just be rewarded 1,000 gold each time you win.
Festive Shop and Items
At the Egg Festival, there is a small stand-up shop that you can buy some items from. One of the best items from the shop is strawberry seeds. Since these seeds are not sold at the general store or even Joja Mart, these are a must-get item during this festival. Below is a list of other decorative items you can buy.

The Flower Dance

The next festival that occurs in the spring is the Flower Dance. This occurs on the 24th day of every spring. The dance happens on the west side of the forest, and you must cross a small bridge that is just south of the Wizard’s tower to get to the dance. You can stop by there any time between 9am-2pm. The Flower Dance is a celebration of spring and the blooming of flowers/plants. As you may have guessed, the main attraction of this festival is the flower dance. Before the dance, you can ask one of the bachelors or bachelorettes to dance with you. Whoever you ask will not dance with you unless you have at least four hearts of friendship with them. You will also get at least 1 more heart with whoever you dance with
Festive Shop and Items
At the shop during the Flower Dance, there are mainly just decorative items. However, there is one item that you should consider buying the rarecrow available (from a collection of 8).

Summer Festivals
In the month of summer, there are only two main festivals that occur: The Luau and The Dance of the Moonlight Jellies.
The Luau

The third festival within the game is the Luau. This festival occurs on the 11th day of summer every year. Between the time of 9am-2pm, you can join the Luau by going to the beach. The main feature of this festival is the potluck soup. All the villagers and you come together and bring items for a potluck soup that is tasted and judged by the governor. Whatever item you put into the soup does matter as it will affect the reaction of the governor. If you get a good response, your relationship with villagers will increase while if you get a bad response, your relationship level will go down with them.
Festive Shop and Items
Within the small shop for the Luau, there is one item worth saving for. At the shop during this event, there is 1 starfruit available. All other items in the shop at just decorative items.

The Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

This festival takes place on the 28th day of every summer. On this day you will want to go to the beach between 10pm and 12am to be able to attend the festival. Every summer jellyfish start their migration and this festival is to celebrate the migration and see the jellyfish on their journey.
Festive Shop and Items
For this festival, the items available are decorative and one food item.

Fall Festivals
In the season of fall, there are two main festivals that occur: The Stardew Valley Fair and Spirit’s Eve
Stardew Valley Fair

The Stardew Valley Fair is your classic fair that has games, prizes, a contest. The fair occurs on the 16th day of every fall at it starts at 9am in Pelican Town. There are several games that you are able to play and earn star tokens. These star tokens can be used within the shop to get items (you cannot get items with gold!). The attractions/games include a fishing minigame, slingshot minigame, smashing stone, token seller, fortune teller booth, and the spinning wheel. During the fair, there is also a grange display contest. This is the time where you can show off your products from your farm. Below is a small chart telling you how many star tokens you get for whichever place you get for the display contest.
Festive Shop and Items
For the fair, the shop has both a fixed and random stock. Below is a list of both of the stocks.

Spirit’s Eve

The festival of Spirit’s Eve is similar to the holiday that many celebrate, Halloween. This festival takes place on the 27th day of every fall and starts at 10pm in Pelican Town. The main attraction is the haunted maze. This maze is located north right when you enter Pelican Town. Within the maze, there is a secret passage that I will not spoil, but once you reach the end of it you will get a reward. Other than the maze, there are no other contests or challenges.
Festive Shop and Items
All the items within the festive shop are Halloween-themed. There are a few decorative items, a recipe, and a rarecrow.

Winter Festivals
Last but not least we have three festivals that fall during the season of winter: Festival of Ice, Night Market, and The Feast of the Winter Star
Festival of Ice

This festival occurs on the 8th day of winter every year at the Cindersap Forest between 9am and 2pm. This festival is the time where everyone comes together and celebrates the winter season. At the festival there are ice sculptures, igloos set up, and there is an ice fishing contest. In the contest, you are up against Pam, Willy, and Elliott. If you are able to catch the most fish, you will be rewarded a barbed hook, a dressed spinner, a magnet, and your own sailor’s cap. If you win any following years, you will receive 2,000 gold.
Festive Shop and Items
At this festival, you have the opportunity to buy a variety of foods, decorations, and a rarecrow.

The Night Market

The Night Market is a festival that was added within the 1.4 update. The market lasts from the 15th to the 17th day of winter every year. Store owners and merchants travel by boat to the beach port to sell the people of Stardew Valley items. Shops/vendors available during the market are the dessert trader, decoration boat, the famous painter lupini, the fishing submarine, magic shop boat, mermaid boat, shrouded figure, and the traveling cart.
Shops and Items
Since there are many shops and vendors you can go to during this festival, I am going to put a link that will provide you information on what items you can get during the festival.
The Feast of the Winter Star

Last but not least we have the Feast of the Winter Star. This festival takes place on the 25th day of every winter and it starts at 9am at Pelican Town. This festival is very similar to the holiday of Christmas. During the festival, there is a secret gift-giving. About a week before this festival, Mayor Lewis will send you a letter telling you the villager that you are supposed to give a gift to. There is a big list of gifts that you may receive from, so I will provide a link that tells you all the possible gifts
Festive Shop and Items
During this festival, there is a small festive shop that has holiday decorative items that you can buy for your house

That is all I have for this week’s post. Make sure to go check out my smaller Getting to know the Community Post!
All images are from Stardew Valley Wiki
April 26, 2021 at 11:08 am
I really like looking forward to the events at the end of the months, especially at the beginning when I didn’t have a lot of money and it was a new experience. Now that I have a lot of money the festival’s aren’t that exciting anymore cause I have all the cool items.