Today’s new post will be about a new train and one of the latest train games out in the world. The British class 03 locomotive is widespread and gets seen in many games and parts of Britain. The British Rail Class 03 locomotive was one of the British Rail’s most successful 0-6-0 diesel-mechanical shunters and similar Class 04. The Class 03, like other shunters of this size, was built for light duties where a giant locomotive was not needed, particularly for shunting at locomotive and carriage depots and as station pilots, or where larger or heavier locomotives could not get used. Moving on from the train, we can discuss the new train game, train sim world. Which also has released the second version of the game, train sim world two. Train Sim World is an immersive first-person simulator perfect for everyone, with complete in-cab interactivity, accurate detail on locos, real-world routes, and hours of gameplay. Thus, it is the only game I haven’t played because it gets made y the same creators of Train simulator. This game is supposed to have better graphics with a cleaner and defined look. In the future, once I have to money to buy the game when I want to, I would like to buy this game as it looks graphically insane and looks super realistic. It is a very well-presented game from the environment and scenery and got started by a Kickstarter. Many train enthusiasts and gamers pitched in to help make the game come to life, and it is impressive to watch. I hope everyone has a good weekend, and remember to watch the new video, photo and check out the pages.
While I like all trains, I primarily study trains in North America, as that’s what I’m most familiar with. Your mention of British trains is interesting because it was a British train that was the first confirmed train to break the 100 mph speed barrier. In 1893, New York Central’s #999 Empire State Express was allegedly the first to break that speed barrier, although this is unconfirmed. That locomotive is now on display at Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry.