Weekly Blog

Organizing Your Workspace

Having an organized workspace is essential when trying to get tasks done efficiently. Here are some easy ways to keep an organized workspace.

  1. Give everything a home
    • Make sure that every item has a place to be stored because it will save time when you are looking for a specific item. Getting a desk organizer is a simple way to achieve an organized workspace. They are available at stores like Target, Walmart, TJ Maxx, Amazon, etc. It is one of my favorite items for keeping my desk organized because I can have everything that I need for school right on my desk, and I don’t have to worry about making a mess of it.
  2. Take away unnecessary items
    • Get rid of anything that may be distracting or that you know you do not need. Doing this will help you stay on track and productive throughout the day. The biggest thing to keep off of your desk is probably your phone unless you need it for what you’re working on. Phones can be so distracting and take so much time away from your work. I always put mine on do not disturb, and leave it on the other side of the room.
  3. Prepare your workspace the night before
    • Whether you are at home or an office, preparing your workspace the day or night before you work at it can be very beneficial. It will make it less stressful the next day because you can start your work as soon as you need to rather than organizing your papers or other items before school/work. If you are at an office, tidy some things up before you go, and you will not regret it the next day. If you are at home, set time aside later in the day to organize your desk for the next day.


    • Britney Myerson

      It can differ from person to person. Common items could be phones, books, magazines, and anything that’s cluttered within your workspace. The main point is to remove anything that you do not need or that you think will be distracting so that it is easier to get your work done.

  • Anna Lichtie

    I really related to this post. I always feel so much better when I declutter my workspace and refocus. It is easy to feel unmotivated when you are surrounded by a messy environment. Sometimes, fresh set of notebooks, a cleared desk, and some study music is all it takes to get the job done.

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