• Weekly Blog

    Dealing With Distractions

    We all deal with distractions on a daily, whether it be at work, school, or somewhere else. Some days it can just be really hard to focus. Here are some ideas to help deal with distractions to be more productive. Limit time spent on a task/assignment Set a specific amount of time to spend on a task or assignment. It leaves less room for distractions if you only have a certain amount of time because you are trying to be focused that whole time to get it done. If you spend an excessive amount of time trying to get one thing done, your mind is bound to wander, and you…

  • Weekly Blog


    Overworking is something that I struggle with quite often, and I’m sure many of you do too. I tend to put too much on my plate at once, which becomes very overwhelming. I have found some ideas that help keep me from overworking myself that can hopefully help you as well! Focus on one task at a time I often find myself jumping from task to task without finishing them. In school especially, I sometimes start an assignment and move on to a new one without completing the first one. I have realized that this is a bad habit to have because it causes you to lose motivation to finish…

  • Weekly Blog

    Organizing Your Home/Room

    Keeping an organized house or bedroom can be difficult at times, especially with multiple people using the same space. As college students, most of us live with at least one other person, and it can get very messy or unorganized at times. Here are some ways to help your space stay clean! Use it and put it away After using something, get in the habit of putting it away/ cleaning it up. It will prevent things from getting cluttered, piled up, or lost. If you are going to have to clean it up or put it away eventually, why not just do it right away to benefit yourself? Once you…