Valentine Story Time for Friends

Opening Songs and Movement:

Our February Story Time for our 4K friends the UW-W Children’s Center opened with our standard “We clap and sing hello” action song. To mix things up a bit, we tried out a new movement rhyme found by browsing finger play and action rhyme books in the Main Collection LB1177 section:

Hop. Hop. STOP.
Hop. Hop. STOP.
Run a little. Run a little.
Sit down. PLOP! (From Fingerplays and rhymes : for always and sometimes by Terry Lynne Graham.)


After plopping down on their beanbags, our Friends were ready for some February stories about things we love to do (I Love Going Through This Book by Robert Burleigh and illustrated by Dan Yaccarino) and how no one – or no pug – is unlovable (Unlovable by Dan Yaccarino)

Rhyme time:

While browsing the Main Collection LB1177 section, I was reminded of another classic rhyme. I tweaked the words to update – ten cent store became the dollar store-, Squeak the Squirrel led the rhyme, and he gave a valentine to his animal buddies:

Five Valentines

(Original: Insert children’s names. Our version: Insert animal names)
Five cheerful valentines from the dollar store-
Squeak sent one to _____________; now Squeak has four.
Four cheerful valentines, pretty ones to see-
Squeak gave one to ____________; now Squeak has three.
Three cheerful valentines with flowers pink and blue-
Squeak gave one to ____________; now Squeak has two.
Two cheerful valentines-my story’s almost done.
Squeak gave one to ______________; now Squeak has one.
One cheerful valentine-one and only one-
Squeak gave it to _______________; now Squeak has none.

Squeak the Squirrel handing out valentines to his animal friends.

Story & Craft:

The Valentine rhyme with stuffed animals transitioned to My Heart is Like a Zoo by Michael Hall. The Friends recognized how a simple heart shapes become lions, herons, and other zoo animals. This inspired their crafty creations: animals made of different sized an color hearts which they used to decorate the 2nd floor Curriculum Collection bulletin board.

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From the Desk of Chancellor Dwight C. Watson – The Source of Self-Regard by Toni Morrison

Book cover image of The Source of Self-Regard

The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations – Toni Morrison

One in a series of reviews contributed by Chancellor Dwight C. Watson

I started this book this summer and was savoring every chapter as I read one chapter per day.  On the day Toni Morrison passed away I was reading her commentary about her book, SulaMs. Morrison characterized Sula as “a New World Black and a New World Woman extracting choices from choicelessness, responding inventively to found things, modern, out-of-the-house, outlawed, unpolicing, uncontained, and uncontainable. And dangerously female; this is a special kind of Black woman – one with choices” (188). I marveled at the language and the powerful capturing of Sula and it was obvious to me that this should be the epitaph for Ms. Morrison.  She was unflinching is her pursuit of clarity, her uncensored exploration of race, and her enduring impact as she described her lived experiences and the historical cadence of American history.  Prior to the most recent presidential election, Ms. Morrison (2015) stated: “This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is not time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language, that is how civilizations heal.” The Source of Self-Regard was a healing tome for me.  It was the right book, at the right time, and I read it in the right place as I transitioned to UW-Whitewater.  What a wonderful way to start a magnificent journey with a handbook, a captured testament, from one of America’s most profound sages.  

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American Science Fiction: Four Classic Novels: 1960-1966 (New Stuff Tuesday)

American Science Fiction: Four Classic Novels: 1960-1966 Book Cover

The editor of this series, Gary K Wolfe, has experience with science fiction, having written several other works on the scifi genre and having co-hosted the Hugo-nominated Coode Street Podcast. He previously wrote two partner-volumes of this series covering the 1950s. Here he chose to write two volumes covering the 1960s, because that decade was a time of upheaval for science fiction writing. The decade said “bye-bye” to the pulp fiction of previous decades and “hello” to more literary and cross-genre novels that raised science fiction to new levels and with expanded readership.

Wolfe has selected these classics for this volume of American Science Fiction:

  • The High Crusade by Poul Anderson
  • Way Station by Clifford D Simak
  • Flowers for Algernon by Daniele Keyes
  • …And Call me Conrad (aka This Immortal by Roger Zelazny)

In spite of being a huge scifi buff, when I did a quick scan of the novels included in this volume I found that I’d only read one, Flowers for Algernon. It is a really amazing and moving novel about ethical and moral issues related to medical advances. A search for other titles in the volume brought up award finalists and winners and high accolades by reviewers. Seeing as in all four volumes I’d only read a few more of the novels, I’ve now got a much longer reading list. I think you might too. The American Science Fiction volumes would be a convenient place to start and we have them in the Andersen Library available to check o ut.

The books in the series are:

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Do You Want To Build a Snowman?

Before winter break, our little friends at the Children’s Center had SNOW-much fun at storytime. The theme for this one was winter activities, specifically building snowmen. This topic was a great one to end on before break because the kids were very excited to get out and build a snowman like we saw in our stories.

Book 1: “All You Need For a Snowman”.

Activity: Flannel Board “Build a Snowman”

“All You Need For a Snowman” was a fun book because it was showing us what things we can use to make the best snowman. It was a perfect segway into building our own snowman as a class. To prep, I had cut out as many things a snowman would need. My friends didn’t think what I has was enough, so we added things as we went along.

Song 1: “5 Little Snowmen”

Book 2: “Snowie Rolie”

Craft: Build your own snowman!

“Snowie Rolie” was another fun book to read because of the imagination it brought forward for the children. It shows what two friends can do when they build a snowman. For the craft, we had snowman templates printed out. Then the children used crayons and some of their own materials to make their own snowman. To tie in with our second book, the children also made sure to add fun activities they can do with their new snow-friend.

Song lyrics/ Actions:

5 little snowmen on a snowy day… (hand trickle)

The first one said, “Let’s go play” (pump arms in the air)
The second one said, “lets stop on the ground”. (stomp)

The third one said let’s roll around. (choice of rolling arms or roll on ground)

The fourth one said, “let’s run, run, run!” (run in place)

The fifth one said, “Uh oh, I feel the sun!” (hand on head, hot)

“Oh dear!” cried the snowmen, as they looked to the sky.(look up)

The five little snowmen wave goodbye. (wave)

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First Spring 2020 Book Sale Includes Binders

The first book (and binder) sale of spring 2020 runs through February 28, 2020.


From the week of Martin Luther King Jr. Day through February 24th, all books and vintage binders in the Andersen Library sale will be $1. From February 25-28, the price will be reduced to 25¢ each.

The subjects of the books are quite varied this time around. They include biography and memoir, geography, literature, philosophy, performing arts, visual arts, and travel.

The sale cart is right by the cafe. Come peruse and purchase. Oh, and welcome back to campus!

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Kanopy changes to come!

The Library has offered Kanopy streaming films for several years now; however, their pricing model is unsustainable for us, especially in a year of cost-cutting. The Kanopy pricing model is a per-film license model, costing $150 for each one-year one-film subscription period. We pay for every film that is accessed at least four times during a calendar year for 30 seconds or more. Since there are no previews/trailers, licenses are triggered very quickly – even from casual browsing.

Kanopy Mediated Model

Starting Monday, February 17, we will implement a mediated (i.e. reviewed) model for selecting Kanopy films. Any film that is not yet licensed can be searched for in Kanopy and requested through the form that Kanopy provides. Librarians will review your request and reply to you with a license decision. Faculty who are using the film for a class will be given first priority, but there is no guarantee of approval. Film access will typically be available within two business days after a decision is made. Any film which is already licensed will still be available on-demand as usual. Records for all current film licenses will appear in Research@UWW with the current license dates.

Kanopy UWW form

Alternatives to Kanopy

The Library also provides several other streaming video collections that operate on an all-you-can-eat pricing model; one set prepaid price for an entire year. One of these collections might offer something that suits your need.

  • Films on Demand: Over 38,000 titles covering a wide range of academic subjects. Content includes documentaries, lectures, instructional/curricular videos, and historical primary source videos.
  • FedFlix: Featuring the best movies from the United States Government, all these videos are available for reuse without any restrictions.
  • LGBT Studies in Video: A cinematic survey of the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people as well as the cultural and political evolution of the LGBT community.
  • PBS Video Collection: This collection of almost 800 titles provides video documentaries and series from PBS on topics that range from science to history, art to Shakespeare, diversity to business & economics, and more.
  • (UWW selected): Curated by our Counselor Ed and Social Work faculty, this collection offers streaming videos which show actual psychotherapy sessions, and experts discuss their thoughts behind their interventions.
  • (Alexander Street): Includes more than 150 in-depth training videos from one of the counseling professions’ most respected video providers.
  • Nursing and Mental Health in Video: Nursing and Mental Health in Video features over 240 videos of the most common mental health disorders nurses may encounter – whether in a primary care setting, emergency room, medical, psychiatric or other.

It is unfortunate that we have to make this change, but after thorough analysis and discussion with the vendor, we feel the Kanopy Mediated Model is the only way in which we can continue to provide this resource. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact your liaison librarian.

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The 25th Year of Honor

January 20th was the celebration of an everlasting leader. This year marked the 25th anniversary of the day of service put in place to honor Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and legacy.

As an activist, Dr. King fought for a world where every individual would be treated equally and respectfully regardless of their race or nationality. As an advocate for peace and justice, Dr. King delivered over 2,500 speeches in his lifetime all of which demonstrated the necessity for access to public services for all. Remembered as one of the most important human beings of all time, Dr. King’s teachings and ideas still inspire people to rise above even their own greatness for the better of humanity. Dr. King’s words were always a call to action and a reminder that anyone can make a difference no matter the color of your skin or placement in society.

To learn more about Martin Luther King Jr., you can check out our resources here in Andersen Library. If you need assistance with finding additional resources, don’t hesitate to ask a librarian by calling at 262-472-1032 or visiting the reference desk on the second floor.

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The Giver, 25th anniversary edition (New Stuff Tuesdays)

The giver book cover

The classic novel, which many remember from required reading in middle school grades, is just as relevant today, and perhaps even more compelling to read with an adult’s eyes rather than a pre-teen’s. Browsing through the pages still made me gasp at moments at Lois Lowry’s sensitive and powerful writing. In her simple story of a world without inequality, suffering, real love, or choice, she certainly addresses plenty of deep adult themes related to what it means to be human and live life fully. Such themes are ones we can appreciate all our lives, and that the lessons come in such a beautifully-written story makes it even more enjoyable.

There are several great additions to this 25th anniversary edition (the original was published in 1993). One is the Newbery Medal acceptance speech that she gave in 1994. This is the second book for which Lowry received the highest honor for children’s literature, and it’s worth picking up this book just to page through the speech for her insight into the eternal question posed to authors, “where did you get the idea for this book?” Whether you’re an aspiring author or just admire them, this little peek inside one author’s writing process was rewarding!

The Giver
by Lois Lowry
New Arrivals Island, 2nd Floor
F Low

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The Mosquito: A Human History of Our Deadliest Predator (New Stuff Tuesday)

The Mosquito Book Cover

The Mosquito: A Human History of Our Deadliest Predator
by Timothy C. Winegard
New Arrivals Island, 2nd Floor
QL536 .W56 2019

Slap! Smack! Ouch! Once the snow melts those darn mosquitoes are everywhere.

When I first moved to Wisconsin, a student joked with me that Wisconsin has only two seasons: winter and road repair. But you could just as easily substitute mosquitoes for road repair. Last summer I noticed that the mosquitoes in Wyoming were smaller, slower, and dumber than the ones in Wisconsin. But they were there — and as annoying as ever. And according to this book, it’s hard to get away from them, though it is possible. If Antarctica is not your cup of tea, perhaps Iceland or the Seychelles would be more comfortable places to hole up away from the hungry hordes?

This book outlines all the many ways that mosquitoes make life miserable for just about everyone else on the planet. Did you know that mosquitoes kill more humans than any other creatures (sadly, humans are #2 on this list)? Mosquitoes are armed with weaponry that would make any warlord envious. Their chemical arsenals eclipse that of Monsanto. Their ability to deliver vector-borne diseases is unsurpassed by any other species.

When I noticed that the author wrote military history, it all made sense. This book is a natural history of the deadliest species of killing machines the earth has ever known.

If you’d like to hear what all the buzz is about, you can watch the author’s lecture on this book.

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New Stuff Tuesday – November 26, 2019

The Cigarette book cover

The Cigarette:
A Political History
New Arrivals Island, 2nd Floor
HD 9149.C43 U663 2019

I must first admit to at least half purchasing this book for the creative homage to the classic Marlboro Reds pack of cigarettes. The focus of this book follows the tobacco industry in the United States from the Jamestown colony to the Marlboro Man ads of the 20th century. While certainly the story of the decline in popularity of the cigarette is tied to the discovery of its drastic effects on our health as a result of science. The story by Sarah Milov shows us that it is much more complicated. The political nature of this story show how power shifts over time and was much more than just the pressure of health advocates.

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