Physical library spaces closed / online availability

UPDATE March 19
Andersen & Lenox Libraries will close to the public due to the coronavirus situation. Please be safe and healthy, everyone, and take advantage of our online resources and services. More details are forthcoming.

COVID-19 handwashing poster image

Remember that whenever the physical Library is closed, you can:

  • Search article databases …just login when prompted with your campus Net-ID (same as for your campus email or Canvas),
  • Search Andersen Library’s holdings of books, media and more (part of Research@UWW) and use links to the titles that are online, including links to ebooks,
  • Search Research@UWW for articles, books, and more all at one time–it’s best to login to get all possible results.
  • Renew your checked-out books, DVDs, etc., online through your Account,
  • Consult online guides for assistance, including citation guides for APA, MLA, and Turabian format, and class assignment guides, and
  • Ask a librarian for help using email or chat, or phone us at 262-472-1032 during reference hours (Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm).

A process for requesting and picking up physical materials from the campus libraries’ collections will be set up by March 27th, which will be linked from the library home page.

ILLiad Interlibrary loan requests for “returnables” (books, DVDs, etc.) from other libraries will be limited, but requests for scans of articles and book chapters should continue as usual.

Please stay healthy! Consult the campus COVID-19 (Coronavirus) page for updates, referrals, and guidance.

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Be Counted: It Matters! Respond to the 2020 Census

The goal of the 2020 Census is to count everyone living in the U.S. on April 1, 2020, and to count them where they usually live and sleep. In mid-March we will begin to receive invitations to respond to the 2020 Census, and in April Census workers will visit locations of groups like students living on college campuses. College students, including international students, should be counted at their on- or off-campus residences, even if they are elsewhere on April 1. U.S. college students who are living and attending college outside the U.S. are not counted in the Census. More information about who is counted where is at

The U.S. Government has been conducting this once-per-decade, Constitutionally-required count of the United States population since 1790. The numbers collected are important to all of us! They are used to distribute billions of dollars of federal funding to states and communities, set the number of Congressional seats for each state, and provide statistics that are used by state governments, communities, schools, businesses, social service agencies, researchers, and more. To learn more about the impact of the Census in our communities, see

Once an invitation to respond to the Census is received, you can respond online, by phone, or by mail. Your personal information is kept confidential, and your data is combined with data from other households to provide statistics. Your home and the people in it will not be identified. You will not be asked for Social Security numbers, bank or credit card information, or citizenship. You may preview the questions at

Census2020 web site screenshot

Andersen Library is a federal depository library with federal government documents on a variety of current and relevant issues available to you in various formats (print, DVD/CD-ROM, online). Check out your government at Andersen Library!

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Postponed: The 8th Annual Stuffed Animal Sleepover

Due to current circumstances, we will postpone the 8th annual…

Stuffed Animal friends will have a drama-filled evening

Stuffed Animal Sleepover in the Library. Watch for the event later in the year! Here’s what will be in store:

UW-Whitewater students, staff, faculty and Children’s Center families, accompanied by a child 6(ish) years of age or younger, are invited to join Andersen Library for the 8th annual Stuffed Animal Sleepover. Child participants bring a stuffed animal friend to join them in a drama-filled library story time and a craft activity. The stuffed animals get to sleep over and explore the Library after hours. Children will pick up their stuffed animal and a photo memory of their animal’s theatrical adventures on Saturday, April 4th, or Monday, April 6th.

Note: Children need to be accompanied by an adult, but the library will provide chaperones for the stuffed animals’ overnight adventure.

Please fill out this form to register: Stay tuned!

When? Stay tuned!

What Time? 4:00-5:00PM

Craft activities begin at 4:00 followed by stories and song starting at 4:30.
We will have two concurrent story times: a lapsit story time for infants and toddlers, and another for 3’s and older.

Where? UW-Whitewater, Andersen Library, 141 Wyman Mall, Whitewater, WI 53190, 2nd Floor

Want to know more? See our post from previous years’ events. Need accommodations? Have questions? Contact Ellen, the Education Librarian at 262-472-5525.

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Bring Your Brain to Work (New Stuff Tuesday)

Bring your brain to work book cover

Since presumably 100% of the students at UWW want to make money someday, I expect that most students would also be interested in the subtitle of this book: how to “get a job, do it well, and advance your career.” While this may not be the ultimate one-stop guide to all things related to jobhunting, it certainly provides an interesting twist on the flurry of job guides out there: Markman posits that by understanding the motivational brain, the social brain, and the cognitive brain, you can be better prepared to excel in all of the areas mentioned in his subtitle.

He continues to return to those “brain parts” in various real-world situations related to jobhunting and working, like what part to engage when you’re interviewing, when you have a job offer but before you accept it, when you have a disagreement with your coworker or your boss, and more. He doesn’t get too caught up in the scientific jargon surrounding neuroscience, and helpfully, the relevant takeaways related to each “brain part” are listed in a table form at the end of each chapter, so it’s reasonably accessible to the non-scientist. Much of each chapter’s content doesn’t strike me as particularly original (when you get a job rejection, no, you should not send a scathing email to your interviewers detailing their poor decision) but it’s still solid.

Much of excelling at work is in the soft skills, the people skills, that largely aren’t taught in a classroom. I could see this book appealing to those who want a more logic-based primer on all the “squishy” parts of working with people, or any job-hunter who appreciates and wants to further understand the marvelous complexity that is the human brain.

Bring your brain to work: Using cognitive science to get a job, do it well, and advance your career
by Art Markman
New Arrivals Island, 2nd Floor
HF5381 .M268 2019

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History of Illustration (New Stuff Tuesday)

History of Illustration Book Cover

So what is the difference between illustration and fine art? This book helpfully defines illustration as “visual communication through pictorial means” and notes that illustration is often created through mechanical processes (p. xvii). The authors specifically note that illustration is largely kept out of histories of art because of its (often) commercial nature. But they further point out that the commercial nature of illustration contributes to making it an ideal vehicle for studying popular culture.

This scholarly volume traces illustration from pre-history through the present. The history is presented chronologically, beginning with cave paintings and ending with digital forms. The authors also explore various themes and genres, including comics, children’s books, anatomical drawing, natural science illustration, fashion illustration, and many chapters on the unique contributions to the field from different regions of the globe.

The pages are sprinkled liberally with high-quality color and black-and-white images, bringing the history to life.

History of Illustration
by Susan Doyle, Jaleen Grove, and Whitney Sherman
New Arrivals Island, 2nd Floor
NC998 >H46 2019

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From the Desk of Chancellor Dwight C. Watson – The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead

Book cover image of Nickel Boys

The Nickel Boys Colson Whitehead

One in a series of reviews contributed by Chancellor Dwight C. Watson

Colton Whitehead won a Pulitzer Award for his 2016 book, the Underground Railroad. Whitehead has received the MacArthur Fellowship, a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Whiting Writers Award, the Dos Passos Prize, and a fellowship at the Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers.  His latest book the Nickel Boys has been noted as the Time Magazine best fiction book of 2019 and one of the Best Books of the Decade 2010 – 2019.  The book also won the National Book Foundation Award, and the Kirkus Prize, and is a finalist for the 2019 National Books Critics Circle Award.

The Nickel Boys dramatizes the Jim Crow era piercing effect, following the lives of two boys sentenced to brutal reform school in 1960s Florida.  I was growing up in the South in the 1960s and the threat of reform school was the boogie man that adults would whisper to keep boys in line.  Neighborhood bullies and petty thieves were the bad boys that were slated to the juvenile detention center and the ones that the good boys were not to hang around.  The nightmares depicted in the Nickel Boys which springs from the harrowing true story of the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys in northern Florida is beyond what we imagined as young children. The school opened in 1900 and reigned for more than a century as one of the country’s largest and most notorious homes for abandoned children and those deemed wayward. According to historical accounts and testimonies from survivors, the boys as young as 6 were chained to walls. There were reports of rape, forced labor, solitary confinement. More than 100 children died at the school between 1913 and 1960 (Kiser, 2009).

Whitehead’s capturing of these events mystified and terrified me because the origins of these accounts were so vivid and unimaginable that happened during the time that paralleled my own upbringing.  We often talked about the boys that did not return from reform school. We just assumed they moved on to their adult lives.  My hope is that they did and their fates were not that of Turner and Elwood, the main characters of the book.

Whitehead captured the varied lives of two boys assigned to the Nickel Academy — the two friends: Elwood, who insists on people’s decency was a straight – A student raised on his grandmother’s conviction that “duty might protect him, as it had protected her.” Elwood is enamored with the message of Martin Luther King Jr. and the beauty and bravery of the civil rights protesters — “how the young men’s ties remained straight black arrows in the whirl of violence.” Even in Nickel Academy, he vows to make the best of it. Turner, who believes in the essential evil in people. Turner was a product of poverty, segregation, homelessness, and abandonment.  He viewed incarceration as an opportunity and learned how to navigate the harrowing confines.

The juxtaposition and the interconnectivity of these two lives takes the reader on a journey of discovery, recognition, disbelief, and release.  It took me back to my own recollections of not only the reform school threats, but my ingrained teaching of Dr. King, “must walk the streets of life every day with [a] sense of dignity and … somebody-ness.”

I am so fortunate that my cousin gave me a first edition signed copy of this book that I will treasure always.  My cousin too knows the truths of the 1960s south and that Black boys were often collateral.


Roger Dean Kiser (2009), The White House Boys – An American Tragedy

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Kanopy change is now Live!

As we mentioned in our “Kanopy changes to come!” post on January 21, 2020, we have implemented the change and gone to a mediated model. This means that any Kanopy film that does NOT have a current license, as found in the Research @UWW search, will produce a pop-up request form that needs to completed. This will then be sent to Nancy Bennett, Electronic Resources Librarian, for review and verification that we do not have the film accessible elsewhere. If the film is approved, Nancy will contact Kanopy to have the video activated. According to Kanopy, this activation will take up to 24 hours to complete!

Please plan ahead for any film that you wish to show in your classes and remember to check out all our other video resources.

  • Films on Demand: Over 38,000 titles covering a wide range of academic subjects. Content includes documentaries, lectures, instructional/curricular videos, and historical primary source videos.
  • FedFlix: Featuring the best movies from the United States Government, all these videos are available for reuse without any restrictions.
  • LGBT Studies in Video: A cinematic survey of the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people as well as the cultural and political evolution of the LGBT community.
  • PBS Video Collection: This collection of almost 800 titles provides video documentaries and series from PBS on topics that range from science to history, art to Shakespeare, diversity to business & economics, and more.
  • (UWW selected): Curated by our Counselor Ed and Social Work faculty, this collection offers streaming videos which show actual psychotherapy sessions, and experts discuss their thoughts behind their interventions.
  • (Alexander Street): Includes more than 150 in-depth training videos from one of the counseling professions’ most respected video providers.
  • Nursing and Mental Health in Video: Nursing and Mental Health in Video features over 240 videos of the most common mental health disorders nurses may encounter – whether in a primary care setting, emergency room, medical, psychiatric or other.

If you are currently using a Kanopy title for class or need any assistance, please contact Nancy Bennett or your librarian liaison.

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Sharing strength through stories


“Exquisitely acted, with a gorgeous, expressionistic Terence Blanchard score, this is one of Mr. Lee’s most enduring films. Long before it opened, a lot of the discussion surrounding “Malcolm X” involved the personalities and legacies of both its subject and its director, but in the end this is a film that should be seen for what it is: great cinema” (Manohla Dargis).

Directed by Spike Lee and starring Denzel Washington, the film “Malcolm X” (1992) lands at #26 on The New York Times “28 Days, 28 Films for Black History Month” list published this month.  

Through enormous charisma and passion, Mr. Washington exemplified the power and transformation of the street hustler, Malcolm Little, who became a profound religious and political leader we know today as Malcom X.

After refusal for additional funding, when “Malcom X” went over its $28 million budget, Spike Lee sought the help of outside allies including Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, Bill Cosby, Magic Johnson, Janet Jackson, Prince, and more. Receiving more than enough help, “Malcom X” was finished with an integrity to share truth on a story that needed to be told.

“These are black folks with some money who came to the rescue of the movie,” said Lee at a conference in Harlem. “As a result, this film will be my version. Not the bond company’s version, not Warner Brothers’s.

As an honorable initiative, The New York Times recently published a list of essential movies like “Malcom X” from the 20th century films, chosen by chief film critics, that convey the larger history of black Americans.

This month, Andersen Library will join The New York Times initiative through our Black History Month display of ‘Stories Have Power’. This display, arranged on the second floor, will feature 21 out of those 28 critically acclaimed films seen on The New York Times list.  

These stories will have power in this space. We here at Andersen Library hope that the UW-Whitewater community will share these stories and spread their power outside of Andersen’s walls.

Especially during this month, take a look at these films and consider the power that rests in each and every one of those stories.

For the full list of essential films to watch during this Black History Month, visit

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Is your resumé ready?


With the spring career fair having come quickly this week, what better way to prepare than revisiting and revamping your resumé?

That’s what students did last week here at Andersen Library’s ‘Resume Doctor’ event. On February 4th through the 6th from 12:00-4:00 pm, students were able to walk right in and get their resumés and portfolios looked over by the CLD experts. The best part is that these extensive “check-ups” were free of charge!

If you were unable to make during these times, don’t worry! You can always make an appointment with a staff member at the Career and Leadership Development office to get your resumé reviewed.

To make an appointment just call (262)-472-1471 or visit UC 146.

Good luck Warhawks. Show those potential employers what you got!

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Plat Maps (New Stuff Tuesday)

Title Book Cover

Plat Maps have long been a great resource for individuals researching information on property. A plat map is a scaled drawing of a piece of land with marked divisions showing acreage and, often, property owners. Genealogists find these types of maps particularly interesting as a way to track family ownership of property.

Recently, the Archives & Area Research Center added to it’s collection of historical plat maps for Walworth, Jefferson, and Rock Counties. The maps date from the 1950s through 2009.

New Plat Maps for Walworth, Jefferson, and Rock Counties
Archives & Area Research Center, 1st Floor

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