Tag Archives: books

Education & Dementia

According to ScienceDaily’s article “Why More Education Lowers Dementia Risk,” “studies on dementia have consistently showed that the more time you spend in education, the lower your risk of dementia. For each additional year of education there is an 11% … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – July 27

Numbers Rule: The Vexing Mathematics of Democracy, from Plato to the Present by George Szpiro QA99 .S97 2010 New Book Island, 2nd floor When I browsed the New Book Island for this week’s New Stuff Tuesday candidate, I knew that … Continue reading

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“Monkey” trial anniversary

Heard of the Scopes “Monkey” trial (aka The State of Tennessee vs. Scopes)? On July 21, 1925 schoolteacher John T. Scopes was found guilty of violating Tennessee’s Anti-Evolution Act, which outlawed teaching evolution in public schools. The verdict was set … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – July 20

Popular Culture and the Future of Politics Cultural Studies and the Tao of South Park by Ted Gournelos PN1992.6 .G67 2009 New Book Island, 2nd floor Good ol’ South Park. I remember when the show first starting airing when I … Continue reading

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Guilty pleasures

All right, I’ll admit it. I am a big fan of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, on the Bravo channel. I watch it every Monday night, and if I can’t, I try to watch the re-run sometime during the … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – July 13

A Traveller’s History of Spain Fifth Edition by Juan Lalaguna DP66 .L25 2001 New Book Island, 2nd floor If you have been reading the New Stuff Tuesdays column for a while, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of Spain … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – July 6

The Other Brain: From Dementia to Schizophrenia, How New Discoveries about the Brain Are Revolutionizing Medicine & Science by R. Douglas Fields QP376 .F46 2010 New Book Island, 2nd floor I know that sometimes when debating with people that pull … Continue reading

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Recent potpourri of U.S. documents

People usually think publications from the U.S. Government are boring and unattractive. Not so (not always, anyway)! Here are some recent arrivals you might find very informative and possibly even enjoyable. All are available in Andersen Library’s 2nd-floor U.S. Documents … Continue reading

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New Stuff Tuesday – June 29

How to Find a Job on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Other Social Networks by Brad & Debra Schepp HF5382.7 .S34 2010 New Book Island, 2nd floor A lot of headlines and class time and conversations have been devoted to … Continue reading

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Katharine Hepburn

On this day (June 29) in 2003, one of the great actresses passed away: Katharine Hepburn. In her honor, you could check out some books and movies from Andersen Library! Search the HALCat online catalog to find, for example, biographies … Continue reading

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