Category Archives: around the world

Peace, Poetry, Redwoods, & Reading

The Janesville Gazette has been running its annual “50 Who Matter” special section that shines a light on local individuals who make a difference, and in it I read the bio of Sue Nelson, a nonprofit administrator and peace activist … Continue reading

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Just Who Are the G20?

As the G20 Summit wrapped up today in London, some of you may wonder, “What makes these twenty countries so special?” or perhaps, “Which countries are part of this ‘elite’ group?” In honor of the historic meeting, Global Market Information … Continue reading

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The Donner Party (a tragic April anniversary)

In April 1846 the Donner and Reed families left Springfield IL for California. They split off from a larger wagon train to follow a so-called shortcut, but that and other difficulties cost them valuable time. When they finally reached the … Continue reading

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Knowing How We Got Here

This week I read Leonard Pitts‘ column in the Janesville Gazette “You can’t understand world unless you know how it was,” in which he laments that many people do not know basic history, and thus cannot put our world today … Continue reading

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Obama’s Online Town Hall Meeting 3/26

President Obama scheduled a town hall meeting with all of us Thursday morning, March 26th, at 10:30 a.m. People were directed to the White House web site to review questions. If you missed it, you can read the transcript or … Continue reading

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States ranked for personality traits

I read something recently that claimed North Dakota was ranked first among the 50 states for having the most agreeable people. Huh. I decided this was research I had to find, since I was curious about how Wisconsin fared. You … Continue reading

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Mar. 25 Commemorates End of Transatlantic Slave Trade

In December 2007, the United Nations General Assembly designated March 25th as an annual International Day for the Commemoration of the Two-Hundredth Anniversary of the Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. You can research this topic at your University’s Library. … Continue reading

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Bird migration & climate change

Every spring I love hearing the birds after the long cold winter, but there may be changes coming in the songs I hear. My iGoogle widgets sent me to a ScienceDaily article “Birds’ movements reveal climate change in action.” Data … Continue reading

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Barns of Walworth County (3/5)

Frank Landi will give a PowerPoint presentation on “The Barns of Walworth County” on Thursday, March 5th, at 7 pm at Whitewater’s public library (Irvin L. Young Memorial Library, 431 W Center St). The program is free, and the library … Continue reading

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Cyber Crime

Have you been a victim of a cyber crime?  Have you heard of IC3?  It’s a place where cyber crimes can be reported and the data turned over to the authorities.  Check out their mission statement at  It’s a good … Continue reading

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