Have you been a victim of a cyber crime? Have you heard of IC3? It’s a place where cyber crimes can be reported and the data turned over to the authorities. Check out their mission statement at http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx. It’s a good place to remember if you or someone you know becomes a victim. IC3 also accept email scams, so if you are tired of those annoying emails trying to get money or personal information from you, then here’s a place to report it. Act now.
Another tip: read the “avoid scams” section of any website before you make a purchase (eg. EBay http://reviews.ebay.com/Ebay-Scams-14-things-you-MUST-know_W0QQugidZ10000000001410441?ssPageName=BUYGD:CAT:-1:SEARCH:4 or Craig’s List http://www.craigslist.org/about/scams).
Be a smart consumer and don’t let those criminals make you a victim.