Category Archives: around the world

Swine Flu, aka H1N1 influenza

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve been hearing about the swine flu invasion. You can keep updated on it with the Internet, TV, radio, or newspapers. Some helpful web sites are: H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu) – Centers for … Continue reading

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Human Trafficking Lecture 4/29

E. Benjamin Skinner will speak about “A Crime So Monstrous: Face-to-Face with Modern-Day Slavery” at 6 pm on Wed., April 29th, in the Summers Auditorium (James R. Connor University Center). It’s hard to believe, but some practices you think are … Continue reading

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World Digital Library: Cultural treasures, at your fingertips

On April 21, 2009, the World Digital Library debuted. Its mission: “[to make] available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.” Developed by the Library of Congress … Continue reading

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Green guidelines help consumers

Good Housekeeping is adding a new seal to help protect consumers from tainted products and false claims. This new green seal will provide a standard criteria for consumers to make an informed decision about their product use based on its energy … Continue reading

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2009 Pulitzer Prizes

The 2009 Pulitzer Prizes in journalism, letters, drama and music were announced on April 20 at Columbia University. The Library provides access to many of these newspapers through its databases. Any of the Prize winning books that are not available … Continue reading

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Author David Rhodes @public library 4/23

David Rhodes will read from his novel Driftless on April 23rd at 7 p.m. at the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library (Whitewater’s public library, at 431 W. Center Street). Read a review from the California Literary Review. A copy of … Continue reading

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National Poetry Month (April)

Celebrate National Poetry Month, an annual observance started by the Academy of American Poets in 1996. Read some poetry, write some, and give poems away (especially on April 30th, aka Poem In Your Pocket Day). Where, oh where, can one … Continue reading

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Washington’s Top Dog

For those of you anxiously awaiting the “first dog’s” arrival at the White House, the wait is over.  In case you haven’t heard yet, the Obama’s black and white 6-month-old Portuguese water dog has arrived in the White House. Check … Continue reading

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Research on student research habits

The University of Washington’s Information School has been investigating how university & college students conduct research, and among the preliminary findings are: Wikipedia was a common starting point for “presearch,” getting background on a topic and some search words to … Continue reading

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YouTube for Smart People

Some people kill time by watching YouTube videos or your favorite television shows on Hulu for hours. And if Alec Baldwin is correct, then your brain will turn to mush. What if there was a place where you could watch … Continue reading

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