Category Archives: around the world

100 years of the NAACP

The NAACP (National Association forĀ the AdvancementĀ of Colored People) was organized in February 1909. That’s right–this year we can look back on 100 years of hard work by this organization. If you’d like to learn more, your University’s Library can help. … Continue reading

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Yes, the U.S. gov’t blogs & tweets

I have talked about specific federal government blogs before: Gov Gab, Dipnote (State Dept.), and Evolution of Security (Transportation Security Admin.), but the list of government blogs is longer than the last time I checked, and now includes several military … Continue reading

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What’s up, Whitewater? (Freezefest 2/21)

I’ve mentioned a couple of web sites in the past for learning about events around Whitewater: and the City of Whitewater web site. There are also web sites for the school district and the local public library. But now … Continue reading

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Author John Updike died

John Updike died last Tuesday of lung cancer. He was the author of more than 50 books and twice the winner of the Pulitzer Prize for fiction for titles in the tetralogy about the life and death of Harry “Rabbit” … Continue reading

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Hot International Business Topics

Euromonitor, the provider of the Global Market Information Database, has shared their top ten articles of 2008*, which provides insight into the main growth area and concerns in the current business environment. It should come as no surprise that the … Continue reading

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Ted Kennedy Died?!

If you read his entry on Wikipedia in the last week, you might have found out that Ted Kennedy passed away. He, along with fellow Senator Robert Byrd, got to experience the trauma of reading their own obituaries. Of course, … Continue reading

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Tax Forms: Get ’em online

The University Library does not get print copies of tax forms for people to pick up, but the state and federal forms are available online: The IRS web site provides federal forms and instructions, along with information about filing electronically. … Continue reading

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Have You Visited A Library Today?

It’s always nice when libraries get positive press. Just in case you missed it, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ran an article on Friday about libraries’ increasing popularity given the current economy. The Wall Street Journal also put out a similar, … Continue reading

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Award-winning faculty give their favorite lectures

Most of us remember our favorite teachers, and those times in class when we learned something that really affected us in some way. UWW has a number of faculty that have won awards for their teaching…don’t you wish you could … Continue reading

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President Barack Obama

Today, January 20th 2009, Barack Obama was sworn in as our 44th President. If you missed the swearing in, you can see it on YouTube: [youtube][/youtube] You can read the text of his inauguration speech online also. His team is … Continue reading

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