Category Archives: around the world

Trans & Gender Identities

Mara Keisling, Founding Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, spoke to a crowd of students, staff, and administrators on Thursday morning last week, covering a lot of ground, including the intersection of gender identity and other characteristics … Continue reading

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T3: Digital Writing Month

Have you heard that November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)? If you want to participate in a collaborative, tech-focused writing project check out this Digital Writing Month (DigiWriMo) project: the Digital Writing Makerthon.  The Digital Writing Makerthon, sponsored by … Continue reading

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Get Your Game On: Mario Kart Tournament

In honor of International Games Day (Saturday, 16 November) and the Playful Learning Summit happening on campus this Thursday and Friday, Andersen Library is hosting a Mario Kart Time Trial Tournament this Saturday from noon until 2:00 p.m. in the TV … Continue reading

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Veteran’s Day Celebration

In honor of Veteran’s Day, Andersen Library has created a display highlighting the soldiers of the Civil War. The Civil War display was done in coordination with the Roberta Fiskum Art Gallery in the University Center. Another display featuring Library … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: Harry Houdini Scrapbook Collection

Even though the famous escape artist Harry Houdini lived in Wisconsin for many years of his youth, the University of Texas at Austin’s Harry Ransom Center houses his papers, including a scrapbook collection related to the history of magic. Some … Continue reading

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World War II Survivor, Kristallnacht

Joseph Koek, survivor of World War II, will share his experiences on Thurs., Nov. 7th, at 5:30pm in Heide 100. At this time attendees will also join the Jewish Student Organization in commemorating the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht (Night of … Continue reading

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Research in Native American Studies

November is Native American Heritage Month and the Andersen Library has a variety of resources to help you learn more about the history and culture of Native Americans. The Andersen Library has many books, DVDs, and other resources that are … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday, UN!

October 24 is United Nations Day because the United Nations was officially established on October 24, 1945 when its charter was ratified. The purpose of the new organization was to maintain peace. You can learn all about the United Nations … Continue reading

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Neverwhere challenged

Use of Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere as reading material at Alamagordo High School in NM was challenged earlier in October. The school has temporarily removed it from classroom use (but not from the school’s library), pending a review by a district … Continue reading

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What American Dialect Do You Speak?

The Interactive Dialect Maps by Joshua Katz of North Carolina State University show aggregate results to questions such as “What is ‘The City’? and “What do you call the night before Halloween?” for the whole United States of America… Continue reading

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