Category Archives: around the world

State of the Union 2014

Did you miss President Obama’s State of the Union Address Tuesday night? It’s not too late! A transcript of the President’s prepared speech is available via National Public Radio. You can listen to it from the NPR site too. Or, … Continue reading

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Little Green Data Book

The World Bank‘s annual Little Green Data Book is an interesting source of data related to the world environment. The 2014 edition will appear in June, but of course the 2013 edition is available now to learn, for example, what … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: Cookbook Finder

Do you collect cookbooks? Are you looking for cookbooks with new recipes, perhaps using a certain ingredient? Well, the Cookbook Finder might be a real find for you! This experimental application was developed by OCLC. OCLC provides us with WorldCat, … Continue reading

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Martin Luther King, Jr. – 2014 commemorative talk

Reverend Everett D. Mitchell, Director of Community Relations at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and former Assistant Dane County District Attorney, will deliver the keynote address at UWW’s 28th annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Event. Please join the campus community … Continue reading

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Driving Safely

It’s been winter for a while now, but it’s never too late to start driving more responsibly in response to weather and road conditions, and you’ve got plenty of time to practice since winter isn’t going away soon. Even the … Continue reading

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Endangered Species Act anniversary

December 28 is the anniversary of the Endangered Species Act being signed by President Nixon in 1973. That’s right, it’s the 40th anniversary of this legislation. Visit Endangered Species web pages for information and activities in honor of this anniversary, … Continue reading

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I’ll bet a lot of us will watch some movies over the holidays, either in theatres or in our own homes. Did you know that the first “commercial movie screening” took place in Paris on Dec. 28, 1895? The Lumière … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: How’s life?

Wonder how life in the the U.S. compares to other countries? Consult the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s OECD Better Life Index, which provides data and comparisons on 11 areas related to quality of life: housing, income, jobs, health, … Continue reading

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Kennedy’s Assassination, 50 years later

Last week, I admitted to being a big fan of Abraham Lincoln. Well, I’m an even bigger fan of John F. Kennedy. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address was 150 years ago on November 19. Kennedy’s assassination was 50 years ago today. Ask … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: Word of the Year!

Oxford Dictionaries announced its international Word of the Year on November 19: selfie The origin of selfie has been traced to an Australian online forum in 2002, and apparently there are spinoffs like helfie (a selfie of your hair) and … Continue reading

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