Category Archives: around the world

Would you like to improve your typing (keyboarding)?

Many people are doing less traditional typing on their smart devices, because they’re very busy texting with just their thumbs or taking advantage of new technology that uses predictive vocabulary and touch swiping. So you may not have had much … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: How to Treat the Freshmen

Watching all the new students flood campus, I am reminded that UW-Whitewater’s first year students have a much better experience than some of their historical counterpoints. If you just finished your first week or are reminiscing fondly about your first week … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: Librarians Do Gaga (video)

Oh, those wacky librarians. Here are some librarians, library school graduates and library school faculty touting the library catalog while getting their Lady Gaga on. Of course, the library catalog is a useful tool, for finding books, videos, video games, … Continue reading

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4 Copy Editors Killed In Ongoing AP Style, Chicago Manual Gang Violence

4 Copy Editors Killed In Ongoing AP Style, Chicago Manual Gang Violence Continue reading

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Books by Mo Yan

The author Mo Yan (which in Chinese means “Don’t Speak”), winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2012, is well-known in his birthplace, China, and worldwide. Of his over 20 works, he is best known in China and the United States for his book Red Sorguhm which was made into a Chinese movie of the same name. Continue reading

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A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan

In 2011, A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan won the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished fiction by an American author, preferably dealing with American life. Continue reading

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National Moth Week

July 20-28, 2013 is National Moth Week! Many locations are holding mothing events during this week. How will you celebrate? This is an opportunity to get involved in citizen science! Moths are incredibly diverse, and there are many more species … Continue reading

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Friday Fast Facts/Fun

Sometimes people talk about “new” technology without realizing just how old it really is. I culled these items from a librarian’s personal blog. Just something to think about…what technology is out there now that we haven’t started talking about yet?? … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: Vocabulary & Free Rice Too

Are you one of those people who always enjoy the Word Power™ feature in Reader’s Digest? Did you always enjoy flash cards? Trivia games? Well, check this out: Boost your vocabulary while making donations of rice through the World Food … Continue reading

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Did you know that 2013 is the International Year of Quinoa? That’s right, due to a resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly last March. What is it? The UN resolution notes that it is a “natural food high … Continue reading

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