Category Archives: around the library

Flashback Friday: Students ‘Study N’ Style’ at Andersen

This week marks the beginning of what could prove to be a hallmark of library services offered by the Andersen Library. ‘Study N’ Style’ is a unique, highly interactive study table to which students are aligned with a resource they … Continue reading

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Andersen Does #BookFaceFriday

It’s Friday, so you know what that means… It’s #bookfacefriday time! In recognition of the international trend, the Andersen Library has given our best shot at seeing what ‘bookfaces’ we could create. For those who don’t know, #bookfacefriday is a … Continue reading

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New Library Layout

As many may have noticed Andersen Library received a pretty significant makeover over the summer! In an effort to gain patron feedback on the new layout, a ‘suggestion-board’ was made available at the beginning of the Fall 2018 semester. After … Continue reading

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Flashback Friday: Banned Books Week

Happy Banned Books Week! For those who may be unfamiliar, Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Established in 1982, “Banned Books Week brings together the entire book community — librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, … Continue reading

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October ’18 Book Sale

This October we have for sale a potpourri of books and educational games, all for the low, low cost of $1 each. Remember, the price goes down even lower to just $.25 each on the 25th of the month.

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Faculty Lightning Talks – Oct. 9

Faculty Lightning Talks: 3:30-4:30 pm on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 in the Andersen Library TV Lounge Continue reading

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Creativity Tuesday: Creativity on Display in Andersen

The Andersen Library strives to create a comfortable environment for students to learn, engage, and ultimately achieve their academic goals. In doing so, we recognize the significant roles relaxation and creativity play in student success. This is why we are … Continue reading

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Summer Renovations Complete!

The month of September marks a new semester, and an even newer library! Summer renovations are complete, and from the renewed layout spawns renewed learning space and opportunities for students. Whether it be new carpeting, re-positioning of book shelves for … Continue reading

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September ’18 Book Sale

The September book sale selection is out and ready for you to peruse. This month you’ll be able to choose amongst biography, gardening, health, history, and psychology books for the one (or two or three) that best suit you. Books … Continue reading

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Andersen Library welcomes you!

Welcome (back) to UWW! Find us at various Welcome Week events: Wednesday, August 22 9am & 1:30pm: RA Resource Fair Friday, August 24 1-2pm: Library Services & Online Resources (Andersen Library L2211) Monday, August 27 5-7pm: Graduate School & Nontraditional … Continue reading

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