Author Archives: Barbara

About Barbara

I am a Reference & Instruction librarian, head of that department in Andersen Library, an associate professor, and a member of the General Education Review Committee and Faculty Senate. I've been working at UW-W since July 1, 1990.

Spring Mini-Break Library, Café hours

Were you sad when Spring Break ended? Well, have a Spring Mini-Break! Here are Andersen Library’s Mini-Break hours for Thurs.-Sun., Apr. 2-5: Thurs. Apr. 2: 7:30am-10pm Fri. Apr. 3: 8am-4:30pm Sat. Apr. 4: CLOSED Sun. Apr. 5: 6pm-2am The Food … Continue reading

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César Chávez and the Chicano Movement

Juan José López will talk about “César Chávez and the Chicano Movement” on Tues., Mar. 31, from 3:30-4:30pm in UC275A. This talk is part of the Latino Heritage Lecture Series. López is Director of Program Management & Special Populations in … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: Origami

Here’s some Friday Fun: Origami! This was inspired by photos of origami creations by Wenche Lise Fossland of Norway on Instagram. Andersen Library has resources to get you started! Search Research@UWW for the Library’s book holdings to find Origami step … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: Optical Illusions

Ah, Friday before Spring Break! And here’s a little fun that’s not of the beach variety. Optical illusions are fun and interesting, right? Look at the recent furor over “The [infamous] Dress!” Was it black and blue? Was it white … Continue reading

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Spring Break! Library hours, services, resources

SPRING BREAK! Mmmmm, can you feel the sun and hear the surf? Andersen Library’s hours will be: Sat-Sun Mar 21-22: CLOSED Mon-Fri Mar 23-27: 8am-4:30pm Sat Mar 28: CLOSED Sun Mar 29: 3pm-2am (only 2nd floor is open midnight-2am) Remember … Continue reading

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Gödel, Escher, Bach

Douglas Hofstadter, Distinguished Professor of Cognitive Science at Indiana University in Bloomington, will talk about “Gödel, Escher, Bach: 36 years later” at 2 p.m. on Thursday, March 19, in the UC’s Summers Auditorium. He’ll discuss his perception of how things … Continue reading

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Tribal Identities and Traditional Beliefs

Gary W. Johnson, Assistant Professor of First Nation Studies at UW-Superior, will talk about “Tribal identities and traditional beliefs in contemporary society” on Wed., March 11, from 3:30-4:30pm in UC275A. It’s part of the Native Pride Lecture Series. Andersen Library … Continue reading

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Promoting Youth Empowerment and Non-Violence through Hip Hop, Chess and Martial Arts

Adisa Banjoko, activist and journalist, will talk about “Promoting Youth Empowerment and Non-Violence through Hip Hop, Chess and Martial Arts” on Mon., Mar. 9, at 7pm in the Irvin L. Young Auditorium. It’s the next installment of the Contemporary Issues … Continue reading

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Friday Fun: Piano Staircases & Making Healthy Choices Fun

Oh, how I wish we had one of these around here! A piano staircase was installed in Odenplan plaza in Stockholm, Sweden, in 2009 as part of a competition to encourage healthy choices by making them more fun. 66% more … Continue reading

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Lecture on Burmese Women

Dr. Tharaphi Than, Asst. Professor of Foreign Languages & Literatures at Northern Illinois University and author of the book Women in Modern Burma, will talk about “Burmese women: Forgotten people in the making of Burma’s history” on Thurs., Mar. 5, … Continue reading

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