The UWSA Office of Learning and Information Technology (OLIT) is pleased to issue this call for participants for the new Canvas skill mastery certification program offered by Instructure.
This professional development program for educators includes a series of six courses designed to strengthen knowledge and use of Canvas through hands-on experiences that lead to certification of their skill in using the Canvas platform. Courses are entirely run by Instructure’s Canvas Learning Services team, not by UW System Administration. Each of the courses takes approximately six weeks to complete. The estimated time commitment to complete a course and a reflection activity is 16 – 22 hours per course. One UW System cohort of 37 participants will launch Monday, March 29, 2021. More details about these courses are located in the Call for Participants – Canvas Certified Educator Program (Higher Education Track).
To qualify for the program, applicants must:
- have reviewed this Call for Participants and understand the program expectations
- have a full-time faculty or teaching academic staff appointment at a UW System institution (except UW-Madison) during the Spring 2021 semester
- already have a working knowledge of using Canvas
- demonstrate a keen interest in taking full advantage of Canvas in teaching your courses
The application process is very simple and requires applicants to submit a completed survey available at https://uwsystemadmin.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3IwuM04nwiiUy7r by Friday, March 5, 2021. Scholarship awards will be announced by Friday, March 12, 2021. We urge applicants to carefully consider their ability to accommodate the time commitment.
Questions about the program may be directed to Renee Pfeifer-Luckett, Director, Learning Technology Development for the University of Wisconsin System Administration (e: rpfeifer-luckett@uwsa.edu; t: 608-265-9559).