What’s New in Canvas? (10/21/2019)

On Saturday, October 19, Instructure deployed the latest release to the Canvas environment.  The highlights of this release are listed below.  The full release notes are also available.

  • Grades – Post Policy Icons Updates: The word Manual displays in the assignment header to indicate the assignment is set with the Manual Posting Policy. Additionally, the outlined Visibility icon only displays when entered grades need to be posted.
  • Navigation – Menu Visibility: A visual change has been made for Teachers to more easily tell which Navigation Menu items are visible to students. Icons not visible to students will be marked by the symbol of an eye with a slash though it.
    • NOTE: Some external tools are never visible to students, but do not receive the new icon.
  • Analytics – New Course and User Analytics: Existing course and user analytics have been replaced with the New Course and User Analytics functionality.

If you have any questions or concerns about the service pack updates, please contact UW-W Canvas Support.