ePortfolio Meeting – April 7th, 10:00am

AC7O6330Are you interested in learning more about ePortfolio use on campus? If so, please join us from 10:00–11:00am on Friday, April 7 in McGraw 19A to hear updates on the exploration and discuss benefits, challenges, and aspirations for ePortfolio use on campus.  Faculty, staff, and students are all welcome!

A student’s time at UWW is much more than just grades–it’s about experiences. During their time at UWW, students participate in general education, educational experiences specific to their major (culminating signature work), honors, co-curriculars, extracurriculars, aspects related to LEAP, 21st century skills, and engage with the real world (e.g, practicums, internships, etc.) that aim to make them educated citizens and market-ready for their chosen career path. How can we enable them to capture and document their experiences in a variety of meaningful ways (e.g., papers, images, multimedia projects, blogs, etc.), reflect on them thoughtfully tracking their growth over time, and have them assessed by the institution as a way of showing evidence of meeting core learning objectives?

Why ePortfolio?
In Summer 2016, AAC&U officially endorsed ePortfolio as the 11th High Impact Practice (HIP). According to George Kuh (2016), “With the assistance of prods and comments from faculty, staff, and peers, the ePortfolio helps make learning visible to students themselves, to their peers and faculty, and to external audiences. As a result, the process induces students to develop deeper, more meaningful understandings of how and why their learning has changed how they think and how they can transfer what they have learned to different settings and circumstances.” Further, ePortfolio has been described as the “meta-HIP” as it allows for the collecting, reflecting, and showcasing the HIPs that impact student learning (e.g., writing-intensive courses, collaborative assignments and projects, global learning, community-based learning, undergraduate research, internships, etc.).

Therefore, an integrative ePortfolio approach may help students “to integrate their learning–across general education, majors, and the co-curriculum, as well as prior professional, academic, and life experiences inside and outside of the classroom” (AAC&U, 2017, para. 1). Further, ePortfolio can be a wonderful way for students to showcase their experiences to the institution, future employers, and others who support them.

Want More Information?
Contact Kelly Delaney-Klinger (delaneyk@uww.edu)  or Nicole Weber (webern@uww.edu)