Tag: Introduction to Sustainability

How to Keep Learning About Sustainability

How to Keep Learning About Sustainability

Today is the last installment of Going Green on a Budget. At this point I hope that you have been encouraged that 1) being sustainable doesn’t need to be expensive and 2) changing your lifestyle slowly is the key to real change.

How To Slowly Change Habits

How To Slowly Change Habits

This blog will hopefully be a good resource for those not sure how to start their journey to going green. Sustainability is one area though where slow and steady wins the race.  Like I mentioned in the previous blog entry, be mindful to use all 

Introduction to Sustainability

Introduction to Sustainability

Hello! Welcome to the first post of Going Green on a Budget! In this first post, I am going to introduce sustainability for those that don’t already know what this topic is. According to the U.N., “environmental sustainability is about acting in a way that ensures future generations have the natural resources available to live an equal, if not better, way of life as current generations.” The goal of most people that have adopted this mindful lifestyle when it comes to consumption of goods and products is to just make a small step towards a healthier planet. Many believe that if everyone just changed their habits a tiny bit and cut down on waste by only a little, the world and the current state of the environment would improve a lot. 

Sustainability looks different to a lot of people. Personally, there are just some things that I have not been able to give up yet like plastic baggies for storing food, but I have made active steps to start purchasing slow-fashion items from eco-conscious stores. My goal is to one day give up single use plastics but as a college student, it’s tough to make that change since I feel on-the-go so much of the time. I know that is how a lot of other people feel as well so the ultimate goal of this blog is to both inform and encourage those that are willing to even make tiny changes in their lifestyle habits. I hope that through the next 12 weeks, this blog can be a good beginning spot for people who have never heard of sustainable living and a good resource for those already practicing sustainability.