My Ultimate Journey pt. 2
Today’s blog post is a follow up from last weeks about myself and my ultimate journey. In the days leading up to last Saturday’s tryout my stomach was in knots. I did light workouts to make sure I would be fresh and ready come Saturday morning. It was very tough to prepare for, given we knew nothing about what drills we may be doing and what was in store. The one thing I did do to prepare was work out with a mask on when at home in hopes to be better accustomed for the 3 hour tryout with a mask. The tryout started with some normal warmups and stretching but then immediately jumped into doing sprints and conditioning which no player was prepared for. Most of the 3 hour tryout consisted of sprinting and the coaches pushing us to see how well we have stayed in shape during the pandemic and how much we wanted to earn our spot on the team. By the end of the tryout, I was feeling confident with my performance and was eager to hear the news of what players made the cut. After two days of nervousness and overthinking, I finally received and email finding out that I fell short of making the team by only a couple players. It was hard for me to initially accept when I felt that I deserved to make the team and had many friends on the team that thought the same. It took me a couple days to of feeling sorry for myself for me to pick my head up and get back to work. Though the income this year did not fall in my favor, I need to start working again for next year to prove myself more than ready for a chance to play professional ultimate in the AUDL. This summer I will also still be playing with my club team Madmen (pictured above) which will give me more opportunities to improve on the field for next year. Below I am posting the cardio workout, made by Rowan McDonnell, 2018 AUDL MVP, that I choose to do when I finally picked my head up and choose to start working for next year. For anyone reading, I apologize for this blog not being as fun as I had hoped this week, but hopefully a year from now, all this work I will do in the next year will pay off.

Aaron Xiong
I think it’s very important to keep your head up when you fall slightly short. It’s a tough feeling but you did great and it sounds like you’re doing even better now. This is a very competitive sport with a tightly knit community which makes it harder to get a position.
Carol Lima-Coronado
I am glad that you decided to start training again. I wish you the best of luck for next year, and I hope everything works out!