Curology? Curology!

Today we are going to be talking about Curology. It is something that always pops up as an ad. I’ve seen many influencers I follow promote the product. Last year my skin, for some reason, started to change. I began to break out, and my skin isn’t usually prone to breakouts. So after some research, I decided to give Curology a chance. Curology makes a custom formula for your skin. You send in pictures, professionals analyze it and send you a custom bottle. My packaging came with three big bottles. The first one was the face wash, the second one was the custom formula for my skin, and the third one was a moisturizer for my skin. It took about two to three weeks for me to start seeing results. Let me say that the results were excellent! It was getting rid of my dark spots and even helping my dark bags under my eyes. After those three weeks, I submitted photos of my skin so my next formula could be made. It was amazing to see the results. The app is straightforward. You have a professional answering your questions at all times. You can even adjust how often you get the products. If you are about to run out, you can move your shipping date closer but push your shipment back if you have leftovers. I recommend you try Curology out. They have a free offer, including all three formulas and just a shipping cost that is $4.95. You will not regret this purchase, I promise you!

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