• College Tips,  Organization

    Study Tips

    Studying for exams! The best part of college, right?! Wrong. For as long as I can remember, studying has been one of my greatest weaknesses. I do not focus after sitting at a desk for a long period of time, and I also am not a strong test taker. So, I really just dislike studying overall. However, I can say that I have self-taught myself how to properly study without totally hating it and without draining my brainpower. Generally, professors heavily weigh exams and quizzes in our overall grades. They are important! That means we have to, at least, adapt to study habits and create the best methods to be…

  • Campus Involvement,  College Tips

    Social Life

    If you ask ANY college student, they will tell you “social life” is the best part of being a college student. I mean, we have unlimited freedom, we can order food at 3 A.M., and run around with our friends. The most important of all, there’s no curfew! It doesn’t get better than this. However, it is tough to adjust to this life, Especially for freshman; it’s tough to get used to the freedom that comes with living away from home. But how? How do college students maintain a social life? How do we even start one? From my experience, maintaining a social life is just as important as balancing…

  • Campus Involvement

    Campus Involvement

    How do you truly make the most of your college experience? GET INVOLVED! But how? How do you make friends and stay active in college? My advice is to get involved on campus as much as possible. One of the most challenging things as an independent college student is balancing your time. I mean, we are living on our own and can do whatever we want! So, it’s important to establish ways to stay busy and create memories that will last a life time. Greek Life I am a large advocate for Greek Life. Yes, I know many controversial topics come with Greek life; however, I am proud to say…

  • COVID-19 in College

    COVID-19 in College

    The Corona Virus has made a colossal impact on the world. Effecting thousands of college students, COVID-19 has shut down many campuses. Virtual learning has become our new normal… whether we like it or not. I am currently a senior. This year was supposed to be my best one yet! I planned to make my last year, as a student, the most memorable. Unfortunately, social distancing has forced my plans out the window. We are all just trying to have fun and stay safe, right? We want to go out with friends, travel for spring break, and everything else college students do! But what happens if you test positive for…

  • Organization

    Balancing Your Schedule

    A large part of maintaining a balanced schedule involves an organized planner. However, there is much more to perfecting your daily schedule. Something I recently started using to help me manage my time is a block schedule. You know, the one we used in high school? Applying this method to each day of the week not only keeps me on track, but it motivates me to get up and start my day. I am definitely one who prefers getting work done in the morning, but not one who enjoys waking up early. Block scheduling my day has made such a difference on the time spent on school, work, and even…