Warhawk Almanac: The First Winterim

Many universities and colleges offer some sort of education during the winter break period. This is often known as a January term, named after the month it takes place. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater offered its first set of winter classes, called “Winterim” in January 1996. Winterim began as “an accelerated session of courses, Jan. 2-17,” initially offering 16 classes where students could choose one and each class would meet Monday-Friday, 8:30-11:30 a.m. [1] Provost and Vice Chancellor Kay Schallenkamp said that the program “was requested by students who wanted a greater flexibility in scheduling their courses.” She also believed that the development of such a program demonstrated “the strong cooperation between administration, faculty and students.” [2] By its third year of existence, Whitewater increased the available classes to 31; most of them were still general education classes. [3] However, it was reported in The Whitewater Register that in 1997 over 400 undergraduate students, including part-time and non-traditional, enrolled in a Winterim class.

1990 Students Walking To Class
Students walking to class
Gregg Theune, Alumni Center, ca. 1990, UW-Madison Digital Archives, UW-Whitewater Collection, Whitewater, WI, https://search.library.wisc.edu/digital/ATG3OZVCRNMRSV8C

Almost thirty years later, UW-Whitewater is still offering a Winterim session. It is a “three-week session [that] offers intensive courses allowing students to advance, keep up or catch up.” [4] The classes offered now are typically general education classes and, since 2022, the class all meet virtually.

Winter 2022 Hyland Through Trees
Winter 2021, Hyland Hall
University of Wisconsin Whitewater, Hyland Hall Through the Trees, ca. 2021, Facebook, University of… – University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (facebook.com)

[1] “UW-W Announces New Winterim Session,” Whitewater Register, November 28, 1996.
[2] “UW-W Announces New Winterim Session,” Whitewater Register, November 28, 1996.
[3] “Registration open for Winterim Session,” Whitewater Register, December 3, 1998.
[4] Carina Lopez, “Dashing through winterim,” Royal Purple, December 12, 2021.

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Warhawk Almanac: Winning the National Championships

At the beginning of the 2007 football season, the Warhawk Football Team started with both a new coach and a new starting quarterback. With these big changes, the 2007 season was going to be a challenge.

Warhawk Football Huddle
Anderson Library Archives and Area Research, Anderson Library, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Whitewater, WI.

The Whitewater Warhawks Football Team made it into the playoffs with a 14-1 winning record. In early December of 2007, the Warhawks football team won the semi-final playoff game against Mary-Hardin Baylor.[1] After winning the semi-finals, the Warhawks were able to play in the National Championship at the Amos Alonzo Stagg Bowl in Salem, Virginia. The Warhawks played Mount Union College Rangers on December 13, 2007. It was the third time the Warhawks would face the Rangers at the National Championships. The previous championships in 2005 and 2006 were both won by the Mount Union Rangers. The third time was the charm for the Warhawks, when they won the National Championships for the first time in Whitewater’s history.[2]

Warhawk Football National Champion Celebration
Warhawk Football Team 2007 National Champions, 2001, in 2001 Royal Purple (Whitewater: University of Wisconsin Whitewater, Dec. 19, 2007), 1

The team was led by senior starting quarterback Justin Beaver. Beaver told The Whitewater Register “all season long, we had fans, cheerleaders, the band, who all came out to our games and supported us. We won this title not just for us, but for the entire community. They deserve it.”[3] Justin Beaver was awarded the NCAA Division III Player of the Year and the Gagliardi Award for his time on the football team. Since 2007, the Whitewater Warhawks have won a total of six National Championship Titles.

[1] “Warhawks return to Stagg Bowl for National Championship,” The Whitewater Register. (Whitewater, WI.) Dec. 30, 2007.

[2] “Third time is a charm: Beaver leads Warhawks to national championship,” The Whitewater Register, (Whiteater, WI.) Dec. 20, 2007.

[3] [3] “Purple Reign: ‘Hawks land first national championship,” Royal Purple, (Whitewater, WI.) Dec. 19, 2007.

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Last Sale Books of 2022

The latest batch of fresh books have now graced the sturdy book sale cart shelves. There are philosophy, computer science, juvenile fiction, psychology, and speech therapy books, along with titles in a smattering of other areas.

Come, peruse, and purchase. Once again, the cost is just $1 each. On Dec. 25–technically Dec. 27 when the library reopens for winter break–the price goes down to $.25 each. That will last until the newest batch of books goes out on January 17.

Special this month are a few thin items, mostly maps. Those are free, first come first serve.

Assorted piles of books

May your exams go well and your winter break and winterim be full of happiness.

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Warhawk Almanac: Frank S. Hyer

Most students on the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater campus often associate “Hyer” with the academic building across from the library. Today Hyer Hall is home to classrooms, Financial Aid, the Cashiers Office, and offices for faculty and staff.  What many students do not know is that Hyer Hall is named after a former President of the University, Frank S. Hyer. President Hyer served the campus as the sixth president from 1919 until his departure in November of 1930.

President Hyer
Anderson Library Archives and Area Research, Anderson Library, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Whitewater, WI.

Frank S. Hyer grew up in Wisconsin and attended Milwaukee State Teachers College (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) and Ripon college. Following graduation, Hyer spent twenty-five years in a variety of positions teaching schools in before coming to Whitewater. Hyer left his position as principal of the training school at UW-Stevens Point when he was appointed president of the college in 1919 and was chosen for his initiatives to further Whitewater’s prosperity.[1]

During his eleven-year tenure, Frank S. Hyer oversaw many accomplishments and improvements to the campus. Enrollment reached one thousand between the years 1923 and 1925. These had been the highest enrollment numbers since the college opened in 1868. To accommodate the growing student population, President Hyer broke ground for the East Wing of Old Main in 1924. In 1927, Whitewater Normal School’s name was changed to Whitewater Teachers College after the college began to offer four-year degrees because of high enrollment under Hyer’s administration. Through these accomplishments, President Hyer was able to grow Whitewater Teachers College from the smallest normal school in the state to the second largest normal school.[2]

President Hyer
Anderson Library Archives and Area Research, Anderson Library, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Whitewater, WI.

Frank S. Hyer announced his departure from campus in August 1930 and officially left on November 1, 1930.[3] After leaving Whitewater, he returned to Stevens Point where he retired from UW-Stevens Point in 1937. When Old Main caught fire in February 1970, the East Wing suffered the least amount of damage. The surviving portion was renovated and renamed Hyer Hall, in honor of Frank S. Hyer.[4] A residence hall at UW-Stevens Point is also named Frank S. Hyer Hall, making him the only president to have two buildings named after him in the state of Wisconsin.

[1] M. Janette Bohi, A History of Wisconsin State University Whitewater 1868-1968 (Whitewater, WI: Wisconsin State University Foundation, 1067, 146.

[2] M. Janette Bohi, A History of Wisconsin State University Whitewater 1868-1968 (Whitewater, WI: Wisconsin State University Foundation, 1067, 150.

[3] “Mr. Hyer Resigns To Head Stevens Point College,” The Royal Purple, (Whitewater, WI) Sept. 15, 1930.

[4] “Rename ‘Old Main’ East Wing Hyer Hall As Honor To 6th President,” The Whitewater Register, (Whitewater, WI) July, 30, 1970.

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Warhawk Almanac: Beginning of the Royal Purple

The first edition of the Royal Purple was released in early November 1901 at the Whitewater Normal School (now the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater). The paper was originally started as a monthly literary newspaper and was sold for seventy-five cents a copy.[1]

Royal Purple First Cover
The Royal Purple, 1901, in 1901 Royal Purple (Whitewater: University of Wisconsin Whitewater, November, 1901), 1

The first edition of the Royal Purple covers different events happening on campus in November and December of 1901. The “Aureolan Notes” updates the Whitewater community on the Aureola Society on their member numbers. The Aureola Society was started three years before, in 1898, as a literary society. The organization still exists today but was renamed Alpha Sigma Sorority in 1931. There are also several different short stories within the first edition including “In Old Virginia and “Spreading Summer.” The first edition also includes information about other campus organization meetings, sports updates, and advertisements for local businesses.[2]

Royal Purple Student Staff
Organizations, 1968, in 1968 Minnieska (Whitewater: University of Wisconsin Whitewater, 1968), 194

Since 1901, the Royal Purple has had some changes over the years. The paper changed from quarterly to a weekly newspaper in 1913. The December 14, 1967 edition of the newspaper featured color in its front page for the first time in the paper’s history.[3] Today, articles for the Royal Purple are published every Monday on their website. Paper copies are also distributed quarterly around the campus and the city of Whitewater. The Royal Purple office is currently located in McCutchan hall and now has been a campus organization for over a hundred and twenty years.[4]

Singular Royal Purple staff member
Anderson Library Archives and Area Research, Anderson Library, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Whitewater, WI.

Anderson Library Archives and Area Research, Anderson Library, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Whitewater, WI. 

Ogranizations, 1968, in 1968 Minnieska (Whitewater: University of Wisconsin Whitewater, 1968), 194

The Royal Purple, 2001, in 1901 Royal Purple (Whitewater: University of Wisconsin Whitewater, 1901), 1

[1] “About” Royal Purple, retrieved from https://royalpurplenews.com/about/office/.

[2] Royal Purple (Whitewater, WI.) November 1901.

[3] Penny Meuhl, eds., Minnieska (Whitewater, WI: UW-Whitewater, 1968) 59:194.

[4] “About” Royal Purple, retrieved from https://royalpurplenews.com/about/office/.

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Book Sale Refresher

New books were put on the book sale cart today. Everything there is fresh and new (for older and used books anyway!) Subjects include the arts, communication, computers, economics, and education. As always, a few random gems in other subject areas might have snuck in.

These books could be yours for the low, low cost of just $1.00 each. The reduced price sale will begin on November 25

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Warhawk Almanac: Amelia Earhart Visits Campus

Amelia Earhart is one of the many famous people to have visited Whitewater’s campus. The Royal Purple published on October 23, 1933, advertised Earhart’s upcoming lecture on campus stating “there is probably not a man, woman, or child in America who has not heard this famous name.”[1] At the time, Amelia Earhart was known for being the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, setting speed records for women, and writing two books about her own experiences as an aviator.[2] Today, many of us know her for her attempt to fly around the globe. It was during this attempt that her plane was lost and Amelia Earhart’s remains have not been found.

Earhart in the Royal Purple
Amelia Earheart to Speak At First Lecture Course, 1933, in 1933 Royal Purple (Whitewater: University of Wisconsin Whitewater, Oct. 23, 1933).

Amelia Earhart gave her lecture to the students of the Wisconsin Normal School-Whitewater, now UW-Whitewater, on October 25th. Amelia Earhart was the first of a five-part lecture series for the 1933-1934 school year. To attend all five lectures, only cost $1.25 or $0.25 per lecture. Lectures following Earhart’s focused on music and theater. Earhart was chosen to speak to make the course “quite largely dramatic.”[3] Earhart’s lecture was very popular among the students and faculty at Whitewater. The auditorium was completely filled for the lecture. Audience members commented on how Earhart conducted her lecture in an informal way that put the audience at ease.[4] She also showed several pictures of her flights. When asked what she considered the greatest factor in her success, Earhart said that sixty percent of her success was due to preparation.[5] After her lecture, the Whitewater Register reported that “it is too much to expect that any of them (lecturers) will make the hit scored here by the modest Amelia.”[6]

Amelia Earhart Article
Bargains in Entertainment, 1933, in 1933 Whitewater Register (Whitewater, WI, Nov. 2, 1933).

[1] “Amelia Earhart to Speak At First Lecture Course.” Royal Purple (Whitewater, WI.) Oct. 23, 1933.

[2] “Amelia Earheart to Speak At First Lecture Course.” Royal Purple (Whitewater, WI.) Oct. 23, 1933.

[3] “Bargains in Entertainment!,” Whitewater Register (Whitewater, WI) Oct. 12, 1933.

[4] “Miss Earhart Gives Fine Lecture,” Royal Purple (Whitewater, WI.) Oct. 30, 1933.

[5] “Miss Earhart Gives Fine Lecture,” Royal Purple (Whitewater, WI.) Oct. 30, 1933.

[6] Whitewater Register (Whitewater, WI) Nov. 2, 1933.

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Warhawk Almanac: Alpha Gamma Delta Returns

In 1936 Wisconsin State College – Whitewater welcomed multiple new Greek chapters to campus, including Theta Sigma Upsilon Sorority. The Rho chapter was founded by fifteen charter members and remained on campus until 1960.[1] In spring of 1960, Theta Sigma Upsilon was officially merged with Alpha Gamma Delta Women’s Fraternity, the first international Greek organization on Whitewater’s campus. The Rho chapter officially became the Beta Theta chapter.

Early Alpha Gamma Delta members
Alpha Gamma Delta, 1961, in 1961 Minnieska (Whitewater: University of Wisconsin Whitewater, 1961), 101.

The Beta Theta chapter participated in many campus activities and held events of their own every year. The women of the chapter held annual mother-father-daughter banquets, formals, and pledge parties. Their main service project was the annual basketball marathon where all proceeds from the event were donated to the Wisconsin Badger Camp.[2] The chapter members were also very active in campus organizations and homecoming. In 1980, Alpha Gamma Delta won first place for their house decorations and received the Chancellor’s Spirit Award.[3] The chapter’s house was originally on Main Street but later moved to one of the four newly built Greek houses on Fraternity Lane.[4] As the Beta Theta chapter celebrated their 25th year on Whitewater’s campus, they also celebrated their last.[5] The chapter officially left campus at the end of 1980 due to low membership numbers.

Alpha Gamma Delta House
Alpha Gamma Delta, 1960, in 1960 Minnieska (Whitewater: University of Wisconsin Whitewater, 1960), 64.

Twenty-seven years later, the Beta Theta chapter was reinstalled at UW-Whitewater. The founding members of the sorority were initiated in October of 2017. This October celebrates the fifth anniversary of their return to campus. Today, the women of the sorority continue to participate in homecoming and to support their philanthropy. The chapter won the Homecoming Spirit Cup in 2020 and placed first in the 2021 homecoming talent show. Members still host the annual BBQ Bash with Lambda Chi Alpha and Block Out Hunger to raise awareness for their philanthropy, Fighting Hunger. The chapter is now housed at 164 North Prairie Street and has grown to a membership of over 57 women. The current Beta Theta chapter members strive to remember the members before them and to uphold their motto, “Loving, Leading, Lasting.”

Alpha Gamma Delta group members
Alpha Gamma Delta, 1979, in 1979 Minnieska (Whitewater: University of Wisconsin Whitewater, 1979), 152.

[1] Gertrude Zirbes, eds., Minnieska (Whitewater, WI: UW-Whitewater, 1937), 7:92.

[2] Irene Dries and Mary Liz Trewyn, eds., Minnieska (Whitewater, WI: UW-Whitewater, 1960), 51:63-65.

[3] Fran Geimer, ed., Minnieska (Whitewater, WI: UW-Whitewater, 1980), 72: 82.

[4] “Four New Greek Houses Will Be Ready by September 1,” Royal Purple (Whitewater, WI.) July 12, 1960.

[5] Fran Geimer, ed., Minnieska (Whitewater, WI: UW-Whitewater, 1980), 72: 82.

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Warhawk Almanac: Mary L. McCutchan

On April 22, 1868, the Whitewater Normal School (now UW-Whitewater) officially opened and classes began. The second woman to register as a student in the normal program was Mary Louise McCutchan. Mary McCutchan started classes soon after and graduated in 1870. Ms. McCutchan was not only a member of the first graduating class but also the first woman graduate. After graduating, Ms. McCutchan left Whitewater for a teaching job.[1]

Mary McCutchan
Anderson Library Archives and Area Research, Anderson Library, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Whitewater, WI.

After graduating Ms. McCutchan taught in multiple schools including Edgerton, Johnstown, and the Milwaukee Schools. Nineteen years after graduating, Ms. McCutchan returned to her alma mater and took over as the Principal of the Preparatory and Grammar departments. During her teaching years, she was best remembered as being direct and opinionated about campus affairs. Her slogan on campus was “Be thankful for the half loaf; it is seldom we can have the whole one.”[2] Mary McCutchan taught at the Whitewater Normal School for thirty-eight years before leaving in 1908. She had decided that it was time for a break in teaching and wanted to enjoy a rest while still in good health. Although her departure was for a break, Mary McCutchan would never return to teaching.[3]

Mary McCutchan Registration
Anderson Library Archives and Area Research, Anderson Library, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Whitewater, WI.

Mary McCutchan continues to be remembered on campus because of the building that is named for her. McCutchan Hall, built in 1960, was originally constructed to be a dorm. Years later, the building was renovated into an academic building, mainly used for offices. McCutchan Hall now houses programs including the Student Diversity, Engagement, and Success office, Global Experiences, McNair Scholars, and the Honors Program.[4]

[1] M. Janette Bohi, A History of Wisconsin State University 1868-1968 (Whitewater, WI: Wisconsin State University Foundation, 1067, 202.

[2] M. Janette Bohi, A History of Wisconsin State University 1868-1968 (Whitewater, WI: Wisconsin State University Foundation, 1067, 202.

[3] “Taught Thirty-Eight Years: Miss Mary McCutchan To Take a Well Earned Rest,” The Whitewater Register (Whitewater, WI.) July 18, 1908.

[4] M. Janette Bohi, A History of Wisconsin State University 1868-1968 (Whitewater, WI: Wisconsin State University Foundation, 1067, 202.

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Warhawk Almanac: First Dormitory on Campus

With the end of World War II and an increase in campus enrollment, College President Robert C. Williams started a building program to expand the Wisconsin State College – Whitewater campus (now UW-Whitewater). At the time, Whitewater’s campus was the smallest of the Wisconsin State Colleges and had not had a building addition since 1925 when the East Wing of Old Main (now Hyer Hall) was built.[1] The first two buildings President Williams decided to put funding towards were a campus library and the first dormitory on campus. Previously students either commuted from home or boarded with local Whitewater community members or family members in the area.

Dormitory groundbreaking ceremony
“All Campus Events, 1952”, in 1952 Minnieska (Whitewater: University of Wisconsin Whitewater, 1952), 38.

On February 18, 1952, the official ground-breaking ceremony for the women’s dormitory took place.[2] At the ceremony, women students formed the outline of where the residence hall would stand. Several representatives from women’s organizations on campus spoke regarding the plans for the new residence hall. These speakers included a representative from each Panhellenic Sorority and the Women’s Self Government Association.[3] Construction of the building occurred over the next year and the dormitory was officially in use the following September of 1953.[4] One hundred thirty female students moved into Baker Hall early that September to attend WSC-Whitewater.

In early June of 1952, President Williams announced the name of the women’s dormitory, Lucy Baker Hall. Lucy Baker was a professor of vocal music. She came to Whitewater in 1894 and stayed until her retirement in 1937. After working at the college for forty-two years, Ms. Baker retired but remained a Whitewater community member until her death in 1949.[5]

Lucy Baker of Baker Hall
Lucy Baker Administration, 1930, in 1930 Minnieska (Whitewater: University of Wisconsin Whitewater, 1930), 21.

On June 26, 1952, ceremonies commemorating the laying of the cornerstone and dedicating the hall to Lucy Baker were held. Dr. Williams officiated the ceremonies and placed the sealed copper box with historical mementos from the college in the cornerstone. This included an edition of the Royal Purple, a school directory, a student handbook, a report of the ground-breaking ceremony, and a 1951 edition of the Minnieska.[6]

Baker Hall is no longer standing today but had served the campus for over 50 years. In 2007, Baker, Sayles, and Salisbury Hall were demolished and Hyland Hall stands in their place.[7]

Anderson Library Archives and Area Research, Anderson Library, University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, Whitewater, WI.

[1]  “Cornerstone Laid for Lucy Baker Hall,” Whitewater Register (Whitewater, WI) July 3, 1952.

[2]  “Students will return to revamped, changed UW-W campus,” The Whitewater Register (Whitewater, WI) August 2007.

[3]  “Girls Dorm to Be Named After Beloved Teacher,” Whitewater Register (Whitewater, WI) June 26, 1952.

[4] Elaine Cates and Geraldine Broeren, eds., Minnieska (Whitewater, WI: UW-Whitewater, 1952), 43:38.

[5]  “Co-eds Break Ground for Dorm,” Whitewater Register (Whitewater, WI) February 21, 1952.

[6] Mary Liz Trewyn, ed., Minnieska (Whitewater, WI: UW-Whitewater, 1959), 52:164.

[7] M. Janette Bohi, A History of Wisconsin State University 1868-1968 (Whitewater,WI: Wisconsin State University Foundation, 1967), 196.

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