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My dish on red meat

My dish on red meat

A little over a year ago I started limiting my consumption of beef and pork. Since then, many people have asked me why I chose to cut these meats from my diet. The answer: processing and sodium nitrite. Now, I want to clear one thing 

Fighting the Winter Blues

Fighting the Winter Blues

By: Mary Marren Getting into a regular fitness routine can take a lot of work. You put your dedication and time into making yourself healthy and happy and there is nothing worse than something stopping you on your journey. Now that winter is here, I 

Exercise for book worms

Exercise for book worms

Exercise for Book Worms PhotoBy: Abbey Bowen

This is probably one of the sillier posts I have ever written. But while reading a book this morning, I found myself wondering if there’s a way to combine two of my favorite pastimes: exercising and reading.

I Googled, “Exercises and stretches to do while reading,” and I was surprised to find several search results.

Obviously, recumbent or upright bikes and elliptical machines are ideal for people who want to read while doing cardio, but I wanted to get some ideas for when I’m not at the gym.

If you’re looking to tone your abs, it’s beneficial to lie on your back, hold the book away from your face and lift your legs into the air. Hold them parallel to the floor for a few seconds or minutes (depending on your fitness level).

For the most adventurous, a plank sequence can be an effective way to tone while reading. Try holding the pose pictured to the left for 30 seconds at a time. Place a book in between your forearms and focus on the text, instead of your discomfort.

Hold the pose for a page and then lower and rest for a few pages. Repeat as desired.

This plank sequence will help tone your arms, abs, leg muscles and more! Just remember to always suck your belly button into your spine at all times.

If you’re looking for a lighter, more gradual workout, try replacing your office chair with an exercise ball. By doing this, your body learns to rely on the increasing strength of your back and abs, not the support of a chair.

For those looking to tone their arms, try raising five to 10 Ib. dumbbells into the air repeatedly as you read.

If you’re really crazy, try doing all the exercises I mentioned above. :]

Again, I know this post may seem a little goofy, but I truly believe making small lifestyle changes can make a big difference in the long run. Incorporating exercise into our daily routines is one of the easiest ways to become healthy and fit.

~Remember, you have to learn to love yourself before you can truly love someone else~
Abbey :]

What to do…when there is nothing to do

What to do…when there is nothing to do

School is finally done for the semester and winter break is here. No more exams to worry about, no more studying to do, and no more classes to attend. You may be starting to feel a peaceful wave sweep over your mind and begin to