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The Wonder LESS Food: Bread

The Wonder LESS Food: Bread

This wonderful fluffy food has been around for over 30,000 years. We love to eat it with peanut butter and jelly, grill it with cheese slices in between, and during the summer roast it over the fire with pie filling in the middle. Many love 

Fall Into Fun!

Fall Into Fun!

It is probably about a 50/50 split on those that truly enjoy the season of fall. You have your basic girls that love the pumpkin lattes and are SO pumped to wear their boots and sweaters. Then, you have your fall enthusiasts that enjoy the 

So Long, Farewell

So Long, Farewell

Profile PicWhat Warhawk Fitness means to me.

That was one of the first questions asked in my interview two years ago. I’m going to be honest, I probably just made up some lame answer like working out, or group fitness classes. What I didn’t know at the time, was the actual depth of that question.

With graduation right around the corner I’ve been doing a lot of reminiscing…the good times…the bad times…and all the times in between. There were a lot of memories here at Whitewater and I wouldn’t trade (most of) them for the world.  My time working for the Warhawk Fitness Public Relations team plays an important role in those memories.

Warhawk Fitness gave me the chance to expand not only my workouts, but also my perspectives, and my involvement in the community. Through writing blogs I was able to explore events I had never even heard of! I can’t say I would have otherwise known about the Discover Whitewater Series, Freezin’ for a Reason, or AIRobics.

It gave me the chance to think outside the box and to improve my skills as a graphic designer. Consistently designing logos, t-shirts, posters, and flyers gave me the academic strength I needed to help boost me through my program. Not to mention how cool it is to see my Warhawk Fitness logo all over campus (shameless plug).

Here I was just an average art kid looking for a job, but what I found was so much more. I found a family. A family from all different backgrounds and all different futures. We laughed together and jumped in freezing water together.  We helped each other out through busy times, and always had each other’s backs through the hard times. It was a crazy roller coaster and we were all just glad to get the chance to ride it.

There is so much more to Warhawk Fitness than a fitness center, and now after two years… I truly understand what Warhawk Fitness means to me. It means community, it means personal growth, and it means family. Thank you for the years for blogging and designing, Warhwak Fitness!

Signing off one last time.

Stay Healthy, Stay Strong.

Mary Marren

Warhawk Fitness Bucket List

Warhawk Fitness Bucket List

Now that the year is coming to a close, we finally get to say “I took that class,” “I did a semester of_____” (fill in blank). But I couldn’t help but notice that this time of year also brings out “I wish I would have”