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Girls Rule, Boys…

Girls Rule, Boys…

There is nothing that trips my trigger more than the “boys are better than girls” phrase, whether you are talking about athleticism, intelligence, work, etc. I definitely don’t think we are equal, we both have our own strengths and weaknesses and lately I have been 

Will You Continue Post Ironman?

Will You Continue Post Ironman?

Today I completed the Indoor Ironman, here on campus.  As it came to an end I thought to myself, will I continue to push myself as much as I did this past month?  Will you?  Then I thought, why wouldn’t I.  This past month I 

How to Get Hired

How to Get Hired

hiringOur stress levels are rising. We feel pressured to buy something fabulous to wear and to somehow prepare ourselves for what is to come. That’s right, it is hiring season! Many places, both on and off campus, are starting to interview new candidates for employment. No matter whether you are trying to score an internship or a new job for next semester, the interview is a big deal! For a lot of people, this can cause a lot of stress and anxiety… but never fear! As someone who has gone through numerous interviews and is even participating in 2 hiring committees this semester, I feel that I have the qualifications to give out some tips on how to ace that interview!

Wear something you feel good in: Too often, people choose the most uncomfortable articles of clothing in their possession to wear for an interview. This will only end up hurting you. It is important that you feel comfortable in what you are wearing because it will give you an added boost of confidence when you need it the most. While it is important that you feel good, be sure that the clothing you choose is also interview appropriate! Nobody wants to hire a couch potato.

Practice some popular interview questions: Even though you won’t know exactly what will be asked in your interview, it is important to have answers prepared in the back of your mind for those commonly asked questions. Have answers about questions dealing with your strengths and weaknesses, a time when you took initiative, and an experience you had which best shows how you would excel in the position you are hoping to acquire.

BE YOURSELF: It may seem silly, but this is probably the most important tip I can give you. While you still want to put your best foot forward, be sure to let your true colors shine through. Your hiring committee will want to know that you have a good personality and that you will be able to blend in with their existing staff. I heard this expression for the first time this year, and it could not be more true: “You can learn the administrative duties of the job, but you cannot learn a good personality.”

With these tips and tricks, you will [hopefully] feel better going into your next interview. And if you don’t have any interviews lined up but are interested in getting a job, be sure to look out for openings on our Warhawk Fitness and Aquatics Staff!

|Stay motivated and don’t give up. Amazing things will happen|

Julia O’Connor


Finding Progress After You Plateau

Finding Progress After You Plateau

Have you ever wondered why your workouts just don’t seem to do it for you anymore? You probably have switched it up a little, riding the bike instead of running or lifting twice a week rather than once. Here are some reasons why: You’ve hit