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Get in Losers, We’re Going Hiking

Get in Losers, We’re Going Hiking

Guess whose back Warhawks, that’s right, it’s your favorite Fitness Supervisor Ryan. Something might feel different about this blog, some may even say I sound happy. There is one sole reason for the boost in my mood, it summertime hawks. I’ll be the first to 

The Seven Secrets of Sleeping

The Seven Secrets of Sleeping

Are you a healthy sleeper? For people who struggle with getting a good night sleep, pay close attention. Like anything we do, preparation is key. Being prepared to go to bed sounds silly but its effective in getting a good night’s sleep. Here are 7 secrets 

5 Summer Wellness Tips

5 Summer Wellness Tips

  1. Stay Cool and Hydrated Every Day

It is very important to make sure you drink enough water each day. In the summer, the heat makes it harder to stay hydrated, so you need to drink more water. It is important to drink water both before and after you work out as well. It is a great idea to bring a water bottle everywhere you go this summer. You can also add fresh fruit to your water for variety in the summer.

  1. Protect Yourself from the Sun

Make sure to use sunscreen to protect your skin. Sunburn can be painful, and there are many negative effects of too much sun exposure. It is also a good idea to take breaks in the shade if you are outside for extended periods of time. Hats and sunglasses are also great options to use as protection from the sun. Continue reading 5 Summer Wellness Tips

Workout Shoes NOT Working Out

Workout Shoes NOT Working Out

Hey everyone it’s your favorite Fitness Supervisor Ryan checking in! When I’m working in the Williams center there is one thing that is guaranteed to make me cringe and I know we’re all thinking the same thing. That’s right… IMPROPER FOOTWEAR, there’s nothing worse in my book.