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What up Warhawks? It’s your favorite Fitness Supervisor back again (a little early this month) here to slap some knowledge on you. With the New Year finally here there’s a lot of you trying to get the edge on the competition and grab hold of 

Resolution Revolution

Resolution Revolution

Hey everyone, it’s your favorite Fitness Supervisor Ryan Harvot back again to slap some wellness knowledge on you! With the Holidays in full swing, I thought it would be a great time to talk about New Year’s resolutions. I know the average person’s idea of 

Planes, Trains, and the Flu

Planes, Trains, and the Flu

Ahh what a wonderful time of the year. So much joy, family, and sickness. Not only is it traveling season, but it’s also flu season and you know where it’s easiest to catch the flu? The airport. While everyone is gallivanting around, we tend to forget about our health. Are we going to let the flu stop us from traveling? No! Are we going to take precautions and watch out for our health? Yes!   Continue reading Planes, Trains, and the Flu



Well Warhawks, its crunch time. It’s that crazy time just after Thanksgiving break and just before Christmas break where there are deadlines after deadlines. It is really important to find a way to not get overwhelmed by school! Here are some tips that I found