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Taming Temptation

Taming Temptation

It is easy to give into temptations, Warhawks. It is especially easy to give into them when you are bored out of your mind in quarantine. Like most of us, this quarantine has consisted of taking lots and lots of walks, binge-watching a ton of 

Positive Productivity

Positive Productivity

This semester has been crazy! Not only are we in the midst of a pandemic, but we are supposed to be able to carry on with life balancing health, school, fitness, and relationships all in one. Although social distancing and quarantine may not be ideal 

Mental Health

Mental Health

Hey Warhawks, let’s talk about mental health! We’ve all had those days where no matter how many cups of coffee we just can’t seem to focus on the task at hand whether that be studying, a paper, a workout, or work. This can be brought on by long and busy days, as all college students experience. Surely, being told to stay home is not helpful either. Thankfully, it’s that time of the year when the sunlight is out longer but it feels like there’s less time in the day to get all of our studying in. So here’s a few tips to help get you through the last stretch of the semester:

  1. Take advantage of the sun! Your body and mind will thank you for it later. The sunlight triggers serotonin which helps you feel better by boosting your mood and relieving stress. If you can, leave behind the seasonal depression. 
  2. Think about taking a mental health day. Yes! Even while on quarantine, we still need these. A mental health day can be very beneficial. Studies show that when people are overworked and exhausted, they are less productive, more likely to make errors, and more likely to experience health problems. Mental health days can help prevent burnout. 
  3. Meditate. Mediation is the act of thinking deeply or focusing on one thing at a time. If you weren’t able to get into the Benefits include but are not limited to: less stress, deeper relaxation, less anxiety and more feelings of well-being as well as many physical benefits. We have yoga and meditation available starting April 19. This is free and a great resource for starters!
  4. Work out! Studies show that exercise can treat mild to moderate depression as effectively as antidepressant medication. In addition, exercise is known to be a natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment as it relieves tension and stress, boosts physical and mental energy, and so much more. Check out our most recent blogs from Emma O’Connor and Cora Shircel on tips and tricks to workout during quarantine. 
  5. Eat healthier. What goes in, must come out right? Drinking a decent amount of water, the rule of thumb being at least 8 glasses a day, eating a healthy breakfast, and a well rounded lunch and dinner can boost your energy, provide fuel for your break, and counteract the impact of stress on your body.
  6. Utilize resources. Active Minds, an on campus organization focused on spreading mental health awareness and advocacy. They are holding WebEx meetings, reach out to them at to get more information on those. Additionally, UHCS still has counselors available via telephone and/or video chat. Call 262-472-1305 to set up an appointment. 
  7. Get creative! This could be doing a puzzle, making something, or even journaling. Getting busy with something that helps you relax and take your mind off other things right now can be beneficial. Since we aren’t able to leave our houses, getting creative is a great substitute. 

These are just a few of the many tips and tricks out there to help take care of your mental health, feel free to share with us if you have any tips and tricks of your own that you find helpful! 


Nicole Rainey


Stay Fit and Stay Calm

Stay Fit and Stay Calm

This isn’t the semester we have been hoping for Warhawks, heck this isn’t the way any of us saw 2020 going. Life works in mysterious ways and it is how we handle those ways that make us stronger. We must remember to stay calm during