Exercise for book worms

Exercise for book worms

By: Abbey Bowen This is probably one of the sillier posts I have ever written. But while reading a book this morning, I found myself wondering if there’s a way to combine two of my favorite pastimes: exercising and reading. I Googled, “Exercises and stretches 

What to do…when there is nothing to do

What to do…when there is nothing to do

School is finally done for the semester and winter break is here. No more exams to worry about, no more studying to do, and no more classes to attend. You may be starting to feel a peaceful wave sweep over your mind and begin to 

Tis’ the season for over-eating!

Tis’ the season for over-eating!

By: Kenzi Weidman I don’t know about you, but when I think of “winter break,” I think of all the delicious food that will be served at the multiple holiday events I will be attending. Let’s be honest, the food is never healthy either. In 

Tips for acing finals

Tips for acing finals

By: Eric Hess While we are nearing the end of the semester and finals quickly approaching, many of people are going to be stressed out and it may seem like you won’t make it!  Chances are, you’re going to survive and here are some ways