Author: Jen Kaina

How to Change Your Attitude Towards Fitness

How to Change Your Attitude Towards Fitness

When you are just beginning your fitness journey, sometimes just getting started can be the most challenging part. It is common for individuals to be nervous about joining a gym, learning how to use workout equipment, and wearing athletic apparel for the first time. Just 

We Have Juicy Gossip!

We Have Juicy Gossip!

On actual juice that is. Cold pressed juice is on the come up and I’m here to give you all the details. This “magical”, all natural juice is supposed to give you all the health in the world while matching your instagram aesthetic. Is all 

Get in Losers, We’re Going Hiking

Get in Losers, We’re Going Hiking

Guess whose back Warhawks, that’s right, it’s your favorite Fitness Supervisor Ryan. Something might feel different about this blog, some may even say I sound happy. There is one sole reason for the boost in my mood, it summertime hawks. I’ll be the first to admit I love college and the numerous opportunities to better myself both academically and as a member of society, but summer is where it’s at. I’m a firm believer that college students need to take advantage of summer days while we still can, Carpe Diem people! Without a doubt, my favorite summer activity is hiking and Wisconsin is the place to do it. I’m going to toss a little bit of knowledge your way with three tips for hiking success.

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The Seven Secrets of Sleeping

The Seven Secrets of Sleeping

Are you a healthy sleeper? For people who struggle with getting a good night sleep, pay close attention. Like anything we do, preparation is key. Being prepared to go to bed sounds silly but its effective in getting a good night’s sleep. Here are 7 secrets