Indoor Ironman
The Indoor Ironman is one of the largest and most popular events of the year for Warhawk Fitness & Aquatics. Hundreds of participants sign up for the Ironman in preparation to win the fabulous free t-shirt and of course bragging rights. However, many participants end up stopping or coming up short before the finish. Some don’t like swimming, others think biking is boring, but there are easy ways to create a fun experience and challenge yourself to achieve this great goal.

What is the Indoor Ironman?
Every year Warhawk Fitness and Aquatics hosts the Indoor Ironman. This year’s race is from October 22nd – November 22nd at 9pm. Many people are familiar with the Ironman being a world-known triathlon sporting event. It includes a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and a 26 mile run in that order, all completed in a single day. WOW! Lucky for us, there doesn’t have to be any huge preparation or rigorous training before starting and you have an entire month to complete it! However, there are some regulations. You do need to complete the Ironman on UWW premises using our facilities in order to record your miles on the proper log sheets. Every time you leave the gym, whether it be for biking, running, or swimming, make sure to contact a fitness supervisor, lifeguard, or group fitness instructor to record your correct miles. Promptly on November 22nd at 9pm, staff will tally all miles completed by participants and you will be notified via email if you did or did not correctly finish the Indoor Ironman and will/not receive a t-shirt.
Who Can Do It?
One of the most frequently asked questions every year is, who can do the Ironman? The answer is, ANY student, faculty, or staff member OR a gold or monthly community member WITH a fitness membership are eligible to complete the Ironman and receive a t-shirt! You can purchase a fitness membership in room 100 in the Williams Center or online at
How Do I Sign Up?
Once you have your fitness membership, you are able to sign up for the Indoor Ironman via this survey monkey: You have until November 22nd at 9pm to register. You do not need to wait to register in order to begin the Ironman, although it is highly encouraged that you register as soon as possible.
Why Should I Do It?
One of the things I hear most every year is contemplation of people wanting to participate and complete the Indoor Ironman. Looking at the big picture, it is a lot. 112 miles of biking is a lot. 26 miles of running is a lot. A 2.4 mile swim is a lot. But the key is to break it down to make the goals realistic. It is NOT realistic to try and complete the Ironman in one day or even waiting till the last week. Procrastination is NOT key here. 🙂 Break all the miles down into small portions so it’s easier to accomplish small goals that add up to big ones. This race is all about you and your priority. If you put in the time, it will serve you well. Think of what completing the Ironman would mean to you? Maybe it’s something you’ve never done before, maybe you’re nervous to try it. The key is to start. Set yourself up for success or a new challenge!
As always, stay fit, stay healthy, stay beautiful, Warhawks!
Talk soon,
Ashley Borowski