Optimist, Week 25

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Good Evening, Optimists,

Well…April Showers bring May Flowers! And…so far the weather looks to be good for the Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday, April 8. Please let Connie know if you would like to help out with our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Set up will begin at 10am, the hunt will start at 11am (complete with the Easter Bunny and McGruff), and all goodie bags will be handed out by 12:00pm!

Speaking of goodie bags, we will be stuffing 200(ish) bags on Tuesday April 4 at our noon meeting in UC 259A. Mike Flanagan will also be our guest speaker at this meeting.

There will not be a Club meeting on April 11. Instead, the Board will meet in UC 268. We have many topics to address at this meeting. Board members, please let Kim know if you can not attend.

Therese has indicated that the NCAA Division III Regional Baseball Tournament will be hosted by UW-Whitewater and that they are hoping the Optimist Club would be willing to take tickets. This would be an additional fund raising project for our club, in addition to being a nice service for us to offer. The dates of the tournament are May 17-21, and the hours look to be from 10am – 7pm on most of the days. We will need three members per shift. We will start a sign up sheet on this project very soon. By the way, Happy Opening Day tomorrow!

We are still collecting items for the Birthday Box Project for the Whitewater Food Pantry. If you are interested in contributing items, please drop them off to Kim’s Office by 8:30am on Monday, April 10. Members are also invited to help with the wrapping and stuffing part of the project on April 10 from 8:30am – 10:00am in UC 259A & B. The items will be delivered to the Pantry immediately following this wrapping session.

Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 3 for the Optimist Fishing Derby. Thank you to Al Hutchison for leading this project. The event will likely take place at Trippe Lake Park. A flyer and other promos are being designed by our interns.

That’s it for now. Have a great week–and “just keep smiling!”

Kim 🙂

Optimist, Week 24

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Greetings, Optimists,

We hope you have had a relaxing spring break.

Here are a few tidbits related to upcoming Optimist activities:

1) We have a noon meeting this week (March 28). We will be featuring three “Youths of the Month!” We will also have a guest speaker–to be announced!

2) On Tuesday, April 4, we will stuff goodie bags for the Easter Egg Hunt, as well as host guest speaker Mike Flanagan, from the Crossman Art Gallery. Our meeting will be in our usual location–UC 259A.

3 Our Easter Egg Hunt will be Saturday, April 8, starting at 11:00am and set up begin an hour or so before the Easter Bunny arrives. Thank you to Connie for organizing this event. Sign up info will be coming out very soon!

4) The Board will meet on Tuesday, April 11 in UC 268. There will not be a Club meeting on that day. We have many topics to address at this meeting. Board members, please let Kim know if you can not attend.

5) Therese has indicated that the NCAA Division III Regional Baseball Tournament will be hosted by UW-Whitewater and that they are hoping the Optimist Club would be willing to take tickets. This would be an additional fund raising project for our club, in addition to being a nice service for us to offer. The dates of the tournament are May17-21, and times are yet to be determined. We will start a sign up sheet on this project very soon, as well.

6) Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 3 for the Optimist Fishing Derby. Thank you to Al Hutchison for leading this project. The event will likely take place at Tripp Lake. A flyer and other promos are being signed by our interns.

That’s it for now. Enjoy the rest of your day–and “just keep smiling!”

Kim 🙂

Check out our New Fishing Day Flyer!

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The Free Optimist Fishing Day is occurring on Saturday, June 3rd! Check out our flyer for details, here, on our 2017 Fishing Day Flyer! 🙂


With Optimism,


UW-Whitewater/Community Optimist Club Intern

Birthday Boxes Delivered!

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On Monday, April 10th, the remaining Birthday Boxes were wrapped and sent to the Whitewater Food Pantry. Our goal was to donate 60 boxes, and we exceeded our goal with a total of 67 boxes! 24 boxes of cake mix, 22 containers of frosting, and 31 gallon-zip bags of various birthday supplies were delivered and accepted with gratitude. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to making so many children’s birthday wishes coming true!

Photos are viewable in the photo gallery. 🙂

2017 Easter Egg Hunt was a Success

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On Saturday, April 8th, the Annual Optimist Easter Egg Hunt was a huge success at the Whitewater Middle School! Thank you to all Club members, Student Optimists, Kayla (one of the Optimist interns), Connie Murray and her stepson (the Easter Bunny), and other community volunteers who helped to facilitate the event. We had beautiful weather and a record turn out! Watch for a story on the Whitewater Banner and in local papers.  You can find a photos from event in our photo gallery and on our UW-W Community Optimist Club Facebook page!

Keep on smiling, Optimists; spring is here. 🙂

Birthday Box Wrapping!

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On Monday, March 27th, 2017, Service Learning Students, Optimist Interns, Kate Ksobiech, Angie Alesci, Kim Adams, and Mariann Scott, a liaison of the Whitewater Food Pantry, gathered together and wrapped 21 birthday boxes for the Whitewater Food Pantry.

Check out photos from the event in our Photo Gallery, here, on our blog!

To reach our goal of 60 boxes, we plan to wrap 39 more boxes on Monday, April 10th, at 9AM in UC259A. In order to accomplish this, we need your help!! We are in need of wrapping paper, birthday box donations, and helping hands. Please join us on April 10th to finish wrapping the gifts in order to make more children’s birthday wishes come true.


Mark Your Calendars for the Upcoming Easter Egg Hunt!

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Hello Optimists!

It’s that time of year again when we will be sponsoring a fun and exciting Easter Egg Hunt at Whitewater Middle School!

See details here, on our 2017 Easter Egg Hunt Flyer. See you on Saturday, April 8th!

Keep on smiling. 🙂

Time to Create Birthday Boxes!

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Good afternoon, Optimists,

Make a difference in your community by DONATING BIRTHDAY BOX ITEMS!

See details on our 2017 Food Pantry Birthday Boxes Flyer!

We will be packaging the items on Monday, March 27th, at 9am in UC259 (on the Whitewater campus)! Help is appreciated!

We encourage you to share this flyer to others so that we can make a difference in as many childrens’ lives as possible.

Thank you in advance for your donations and helping hands; every effort is appreciated. 🙂

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