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Here are some of thephotos from the paver painting party we had on Sunday!

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Pavers are the bricks that people use to pave paths in their yards. We painted these to sell at Relay For Life; all of the proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. The pavers will be $20 a piece but extra donations are welcome. They would look beautiful in a garden! If you’re interested in purchasing one, send an email (with the paver you’d like) to either Jan Olson at olsonj@uww.edu or Kate Ksobiech at ksobieck@uww.edu. Thank you to all of the volunteers that helped paint pavers yesterday.
If you’d like to donate to our team you can visit http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR?pg=entry&fr_id=60365 and press Donate.
Optimists, we hope to see you at Relay For Life this Saturday from 3pm-Midnight!

Updated Gyro Stand Schedule

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Please see the Gyro Stand Schedule 20140616 and if you have signed up please be sure you are there on time or come a little early to review what needs to be done.

Thank you and if you have not had an opportunity to sign up we would welcome you any time.


Week 36 Update, Optimist Club

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Greetings Optimists,

This will be a short update as I am out of town this week.

Please note that we do not have a meeting this Tuesday. Our next meeting will be on June 24 from 5:30pm-7:00pm at the Lakefront Pub.

Anyone wishing to join Angie and me with painting pavers for Relay for Life, feel free to stop by (our home) anytime between 10am-6pm on Sunday, June 22 to share your creativity. Lunch will be provided, as will the pavers, paints and brushes for our project.

We still need fundraising and walkers for our club’s Relay for Life team on Saturday, June 28. Kelly Holck will be assisting with putting our list of volunteers together.

On Tuesday, July 1, we will also have an evening meeting at Cravath Lake at the Gyro Stand–while we clean up the trailer and get it ready for the 4th of July activities. Please plan on 5:00pm for this gathering. We will be ordering sub sandwiches this evening. More info to come next week. Duane will also send a updated Gyro Stand sign up sheet. Helpers are still needed for the three-day event.

Finally, please see the attached Jefferson County Fair Sign Up 2014. Don and Lou are also seeking additional helpers for the afternoon and evening shifts. PLEASE check your calendars and let them know if you are able to cover a shift. We will take help of club members, family members and friends of our club. It is important that we fill the time slots.

Thanks–and have a great week,

Kim 🙂

Relay For Life

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Optimists, Relay For Life is approaching! The event is Saturday, June 28th from 3 pm until midnight. Join us in support of the American Cancer Society and their efforts to raise money to rid this world of the terrible disease that claims hundreds of thousands of lives every year.

We’re still in need of a few walkers for our team. If you’d like to be a part of the UW-W/Community Optimist Club relay team then you can contact Kate Ksobiech at ksobieck@uww.edu or Jan Olson at olsonj@uww.edu.

We’d also GLADLY accept donations to our dedicated team of volunteers! Visit the website below to either donate toward the team or toward an individual.

Thanks and we hope to see you there!

Week 34 Update, Optimist Club

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Happy June, Optimists,

This is a friendly reminder that we are now on our summer schedule and we do not have a meeting this week.  That being said, we do have one addition to our summer schedule–an evening meeting at Cravath Lake on Tuesday, July 1 to help prepare the Gyro Stand.  We will have some food on hand and will give some club updates as we enjoy each other’s company in gearing up for our largest fund raiser of the year.  A big thank you to all those who have already signed up to work the Gyro Stand–and especially to some new folks that are getting connected with our club–Kelly Holck, Anna Bahr, and Kelly Strait (all copied on this email).

We do have the Fishing Derby this coming Saturday.  Jeanine will be sharing a flyer that Kelly (our intern) designed for the event.  Thank you to Rick, Mike and Al–as well as the student members of the UW-W Fishing Club who have joined forces to help coordinate this fun event for kids of all ages.  Any helpers who are able to to head to the lakefront, please come down between 8:00am and 8:30am to help set up for the event.

Thank you to all of the helpers (Frank, Don, Hans, Carla, Joyce, Jeanine, Angie, Kate, Shelly–Kate’s daughter, and Kim A.) for highway clean up this past Thursday.  We had a beautiful day, a strong workforce, tall blooming weeds, and many bags of trash collected.  See the attached photos!  I have left a message for the Rock County Adopt-A-Highway coordinator indicating that we have several bags of debris collected and on the sides of the highway.  We can celebrate a lovely stretch of clean highway on 59!

Also attached is a brief request from Kelly related to promoting our club.  Please help share our events via social media.  You will also find updates on our club activities more frequently on the Whitewater Banner.  Kelly will be submitting stories and photos on a regular basis.

Jeanine and Angie will be making contacts very soon related to our slate of officers.  It is a great privilege to serve this organization–and it’s fun to do when there is a good working team of officers and board members. Please consider what your role could be for the next Optimist year.

Lastly, please join the UW-Whitewater Student Optimist Club on June 11 from 5-8pm at a Culver’s Night in Whitewater.  This is a fund raiser for shipping the ambulance to Burkina Faso.  The ambulance, Hassimi and some of the travelers will be on hand to visit with folks, take pictures of groups by the ambulance, and gladly accept any other donations.  This is the night before Hassimi and Scott Sippel drive the ambulance to Baltimore to be shipped to Burkina Faso.

With gratitude,

Kim 🙂

Week 33 Update, Optimist Club

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Happy Memorial Day, Optimists,

I have just a few short reminders for this week:

* Tomorrow’s noon meeting will feature Dick and Maggie Winz on the Ten Chimneys of Genesee Depot. It will also be our last Youth of the Month of the season, as well as our last catered meal until fall. We will meet in UC 259A.

* This Thursday, we will meet at the UC loading dock at 4:45pm to caravan to our highway cleanup project. For those joining us in progress, please find us on our Optimist stretch of highway. We will have gloves, vests and bags ready for the project. Remember to wear proper shoes. I think the following members have said yes to helping with the clean up. If I have you on the list, but you are unable to help out–just let me know. I was partially working from memory–which hasn’t been the best as of late. Helpers: Hans, Carla, Angie, Joyce, Al, Jan, Kate, Don, Rick, Jeanine, and Kim.

* You will note that I am now copying our new student intern (Kelly) on our emails, as well as another student (Anna) who came to our evening meeting last week. Anna is interested in helping with some of our projects in the coming months. Thanks, Anna! Kelly has some great ideas in how to help promote our club and will be working with Jeanine and me to finalize and implement our plan. Thanks, Kelly!

* Thank you to Jeanine and Angie who will be putting a slate of officers together for the 2014-15 Optimist year. If you are contacted, I ask you to give their request thoughtful consideration. If you are not contacted and would like to serve as an officer or on the board, please reach out to Jeanine, Angie or me. THANK YOU!!

Enjoy the rest of this holiday weekend!

In Optimism,

Kim 🙂

Week 32 Update, Optimist Club

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Good Monday, Optimists,

I will start off my weekly note by reminding you that we do not have a noon meeting on May 20. Rather, we will meet from 5-7pm at the Lakefront Pub in the Whitewater Room. Our new student intern, Kelly Holck will be joining us for this meeting.

Thank you to all who helped with baseball ticket taking this past week/weekend. And…thank you to our rummage sale coordinators! It was a beautiful weekend for outdoor activities.

When you have a chance, check out the “This Week in Whitewater” link. There is a nice story about the “Ambulance for Africa.” Jeff did a great job of capturing Hassimi’s story. (Please disregard the bit about the rummage sale. I tried to explain that our students were selling hotdogs at the rummage sale for the ambulance, not running the rummage sale for the ambulance.)

Please note our summer meeting schedule below. Our meeting on May 27 will be our last catered meal of the season. Please note, that all other meetings, you are encouraged to bring your own lunch (at the UC), order off the menu (at the Lakefront), or contribute to our summer party/potluck on July 29.


  • May 20, (Lakefront Pub), 5:30pm, individuals order off of menu
  • May 27, (UC 259A), Noon meeting; last catered meal of the season
  • June 10 (UC 268), Noon meeting, bring your own lunch
  • June 24 (Lakefront Pub), 5:30pm, individuals order off of menu
  • July 15 (UC 259A), Noon meeting, bring your own lunch
  • July 29 Summer gathering/potluck at Kim and Angie’s; 5:30pm – 8:30pm
  • August 12 (UC 259A), Noon meeting, bring your own lunch
  • August 26 (Lakefront Pub), 5:30pm, individuals order off of menu

I have attached the Optimist Board Minutes, May 13, 2014 on Tuesday, May 13. We will be following the discussion suggestions listed in the minutes. Note that the meeting locations for the UC are correct in this email. I just confirmed them with Room Reservations.

I have also attached the Jefferson County Fair Sign Up 2014. Please get back to Don and Lou on that event. Duane has been sending out the Gyro Stand sign up info. We need more helpers–PLEASE. I will email the sign up over the weekend regarding highway clean up. Right now, it looks to be a good group for May 29 at 4:45pm. Rick, Mike and Al have the Fishing Derby well in hand for Saturday, June 7 at Cravath Lake. Willing helpers are encouraged to jump in on this event. Jordan Hammer of the UW-W Fishing Club and some of their members will be assisting, as well.

Next week’s meeting will feature Youths of the Month, as well as guest speakers Maggie and Dick Winz on the Ten Chimneys of Genesee Depot.

Thanks for reading. It was a lot to report this week!

In Optimism,

Kim 🙂

Week 31 Update, Optimist Club

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Good Morning Optimists,

I encourage you to look back at last week’s email for the dates and information on various activities we have coming up this spring and summer. Several sign ups are also starting to circulate.

Please continue to respond to Duane regarding the Gyro Stand, respond to Therese regarding the Baseball Regions that are this week, respond to Jan and Kate regarding your progress on funds raised for our Relay for Life team, and respond to Lou and Don for the Jefferson County Fair. I have also attached the fair sign up for folks to see the open slots.

Please note that there is a board meeting this Tuesday from 5:30pm-7:00pm at Jessica’s. Remember that all past presidents are also invited to attend the meeting–and really anyone else interested in rebuilding our club is welcome to attend. We will be discussing the future direction/leadership of the club. Some different ideas are being explored, and your active participation and creative problem solving is encouraged to help our club develop a sound direction for this next year.

I am excited about our guest speakers this Tuesday as we will be hearing from our outgoing intern Seth Arp and incoming intern Kelly Holck. Jeanine, Dave and I met with these two dedicated students this past week and are looking forward to them sharing their insights and suggestions for the club at our noon meeting.

Thanks–and enjoy your Sunday. Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers, step mothers, grandmothers, Godmothers, Aunts, etc.!

In Optimism,

Kim 🙂

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