Uptimes Spotlight – Elizabeth Simpson

Profile PictureElizabeth Simpson
(262) 472-3244


Q:  What do you do – explain how you fit into ICIT?

A:   I am the Instructional Design Specialist with the Learning Technology Center.  I help our faculty use technology in pedagogically effective ways.  I create tutorials, run workshops, and meet with faculty individually to support them with their courses.

 Q: One thing people don’t know about you?

A:  I lived in a museum for three years.  I have a master’s degree in history, and after graduation I was hired by the Milwaukee County Historical Society as a caretaker for Trimborn Farm in Greendale, WI.  My husband and I took care of the buildings (including two farm-houses, two barns, and a few other old farm buildings), guided tours, hosted weddings, and performed basic collections management.  I also supervised our interns – Amy Williams who is currently an ITS Support Specialist for LTC – was one of our interns.  I lived on the 2nd floor of the main farm-house; an area comprised of offices and the collections rooms.  Most of the volunteers thought the site was haunted, but after three years I witnessed no spooky occurrences.

 The front of the farmhouse, Trimborn Farm

Stone Barn, Trimborn Farm

The threshing barn, Trimborn Farm

 Q: What is your favorite hobby?

A:  I love the outdoors.  I like backpacking, snowshoeing, hiking, and kayaking.  My husband and I moved to Whitewater this past July, and we really enjoy everything that the area has to offer.  We visit the kettles at least once a week, and look forward to seeing everything with snow.  Next year we are hoping to go to the Boundary Waters wilderness area for a week.

My husband and our two cats

Q: What was your first job?

A: My first job was working in a corn-dog booth at the Racine County Fair.  I was probably 14 years old, and I loved it because I could eat fried food all day and hang out with my friends.

Q: Tell me something interesting about yourself?

A: I’m really good at painting and drawing.  In high school I won a few state-wide competitions, in college I minored in art, but stopped once I started grad-school.  I picked it up again about a year ago, and I spend a few hours a week practicing.

A painting I am working on

Q: Do you have any special talent?

A: I can read German, Latin, and Middle English.

Q: What is your guilty pleasure?

A: TV crime dramas, like Bones, NCIS, all the CSIs, Psyche, The Finder, Monk, etc.  Almost every night I tell myself that I will spend my time doing something enriching and valuable, but instead I snuggle on the sofa and watch a marathon of CSI.

Q: Favorite food?

A: I love pickled food.  I’ve gotten very good at making dilly beans and pickled onions, and have recently started making pickled eggs as well.  I want to start making chutneys and Indian lime pickles, but I need to clear out some space in my pantry first.

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