Thank you to our hard working ICIT Student Employees!

Did you know we have almost 40 student employees just in ICIT? National Student Employment Week is the perfect opportunity to show our appreciation and understanding of the contributes they make to our campus.

Held annually the second week in April, National Student Employment Week was established to increase public awareness and to recognized students who work while attending college.  It is also a time to recognize supervisors that oversee the student experience by providing training and mentoring to prepare students for their careers.

Katie Lunow, General Access Lab Student Manager
Carter Waelchli, LTC Media Technician

Let’s take a moment to recognize the importunate and impact of our ICIT student employees.  We appreciate you and thank you for your dedication to our mission!  We would not be able to do it without you!

Thank you to all ICIT Student Employees!

2022 Spring Divisional Meeting – Thank you!

Thank you everyone who attended and participated in the 2022 Spring Divisional Meeting! It was wonderful to see everyone in person. Hopefully you learned something new, met someone new or tried the new Girl Scout cookie.

A huge shout out to our surprise performer! Sean, you were so fun to watch and we’ve received several comments on how much we enjoyed your show.

Welcome Back, Crystal Herron!

We are happy to welcome Crystal Herron as our new Help Desk Tier I Manager. Crystal rejoins the ICIT team with previous ICIT Help Desk experience which will help her achieve goals of providing courteous and fast problem solving service, empowering self-service to the extent possible, and using our organizational resources efficiently.

Her main focus will be:

  • Managing the Help Desk and GA Labs students
  • Assuring Tier I meets campus SLOs
  • Assuring Tier I work quality
  • Assuring Tier 1 follow processes to resolve customer problems and questions
  • Help customers understand and adhere to campus technology polices and standards

From Crystal: “I am excited to be returning to UW-Whitewater. Joel and I have two girls ages 7 and 11. In my spare time I volunteer as their Girl Scout troop leader. I also enjoy knitting and crocheting.”

We are thrilled to have Crystal back on our team, please take some time to welcome her when you can!

Thank you, Jeff Thomas!

The LTC sadly bids Jeff Thomas adieu this week. Jeff heads off to a new adventure working at UW-Madison with their Learning and Talent Development team. He’ll be working on similar projects: supporting members of the campus community along their career pathways through the design and delivery of impactful learning experiences and resources.

Jeff brought deliberate, meaningful, and thoughtful ideas to the LTC. We all appreciate the time he spent helping us increase awareness, develop projects, and stay on track!

In parting, Jeff shared some thoughts about his time at UWW:

From Jeff, a light-hearted self-deprecation on his way out: “The glass doors to the LTC are a true head-scratcher…but I always knew I was in good hands with my colleagues.”

Bon voyage and bonne chance in your future endeavors, Jeff, you’ll be missed!