Bringing Out the Best in Us

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, UW-W faculty, staff and students have been forced to adapt their work, teaching and learning methods, many for the very first time.

In light of this unprecedented situation, the members of ICIT have continued to support, serve, and guide our community with decisive action, outstanding customer service and technical expertise.

As an organization, ICIT has stepped up to the plate, and has provided much needed reassurances to our users in a time where uncertainty can lead to anxiety and panic.

We have truly been performing at our best during this unique time, and our colleagues have noticed. It is because of your hard work and composure, that our organization has received many messages of thanks and gratitude:

March 24th, from Ben Dobner – Associate Director, Financial Aid
(Thanking Andy Peterson (NOC) for Jabber fulfillment)

“Thanks, Andy!  I really appreciate your quick turn around on this – you all are doing an amazing job during what I am sure are trying times for your department.” – Ben

“Hi Ben, I appreciate your kind words. However, the real heroes in all of this are the front line Help Desk people that are ensuring that the tickets have all of the appropriate information in them so that I can process everything as quickly as possible.” -Andy Peterson 

March 25th, from Lana Collet-Klingenberg – Professor and Interim Associate Dean, CoEPS (Thanking Help Desk)

“Dear Helpdesk Colleagues – I am writing this afternoon to say thank you. I have heard from students and staff in COEPS that as they’ve been transitioning to more online learning and work and had questions or problems, that you have been incredibly responsive, timely, and helpful. No doubt you are being swamped daily with calls for help and you are rising to the demands like true champions. Again, thank you and keep up the great work.” – Lana

March 27th, from Jeff Angileri – Director, Public Information, UMC
(Thanking Aaron Axelsen, LTC)

“Aaron, Thanks again for suggesting the Webex Facebook Live option. We did a practice run today and it went great – we’re looking at doing one next week with campus leadership. Appreciate all your efforts and great ideas during this unprecedented time!” -Jeff

March 27th, from Brenda Rust O’Beirne – Associate Professor/Dept Chair, Counselor Education (LTC appreciation)

“Hi Elena, During a particularly difficult time for our university – and for our world, your staff has stepped up in ways that we all need to applaud! Our move to online learning has been traumatizing for many (faculty, staff and students alike), and your staff have responded with competence and kindness, patience and understanding. I am particularly grateful to Kirsten Mortimer and Ted Witt who have provided guidance and technical assistance with challenges I face because of the nature of the courses I am teaching. Kudos to them – and to all of your staff for helping us to meet this challenge.” – Brenda

March 27th, from Cliff O’Beirne – Lecturer, Psychology
(Thanking Kirsten Mortimer, LTC)

“Hi Elena, I just saw my wife Brenda sending you a note of appreciation for your staff and realized I should do the same. Kirsten Mortimer has been very helpful, patient, and determined to help me be ready to teach online. That is no small task as she will attest! But she refuses to give up. Thank goodness. It does matter and it helps!” – Cliff      

Thank you to everyone in ICIT for your amazing ability to adapt and deliver. Difficult times absolutely bring out our best, so let’s remain strong and stay together as we continue to push through.

“I guess I’ve been working so hard, I forgot what it’s like to be hardly working.” – Michael Scott

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