See Something New…

iCIT will host a Technology Open House (TOH) on Thursday, August 31 from 1-4pm in the Andersen Lab/LTC area. The theme of the Open House is “See Something New”, and will showcase the latest campus technology tools, systems, and practices. Many iCIT staff members will participate, providing their expert knowledge in the many services provided to the UWW campus. All faculty and staff are invited to meet with our staff, check out new and changing technology, and receive personalized help. Refreshments will be served and door prizes will be given away to guests.

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Audio / Visual Responsibilities

After Jim Mills left our organization, Brett Cook graciously agreed to accept the A/V responsibilities on a temporary basis. Right now we do not have plans to refill Jim’s position. Brett will retain the overall planning and coordination responsibilities for instructional A/V equipment, and the Desktop team will accept the day-to-day maintenance and support responsibilities as Brett transitions into his new responsibilities in desktop management. It is our intent that the Distance Education Coordinator (when hired) will assume the planning and coordination responsibilities for A/V technology in the classrooms.

Unified Desktop Management

This spring, a planning group of iCIT support staff was formed to evaluate the processes used to manage campus lab and office desktops. Two goals were stated: find a way to eliminate duplication of effort between the two support areas, and recommend processes that will enable iCIT to deliver a consistent desktop configuration.

One of the recommendations of the planning group is to consolidate the automated desktop administration tasks for labs and offices into the responsibility of a single person in iCIT. iCIT management received proposals for this position, and is currently evaluating them in light of the goals and needs of the project.