As we transition through color and temperature, here’s our compiled list of some of the coolest (or warmest) foodie activities for this fall! Pumpkin Pancakes You’ve heard of beating the cold with a warm pumpkin pie, but have you ever… Continue Reading →
Living at school means that we are away from our family for long periods and spending most of our time with our friends. Our best friends become our family, and personally, I know I can go to them for anything…. Continue Reading →
Now, as a college student, you’re probably not going to be planning a huge Thanksgiving meal. However, this means that a college student has the least amount expected of them by their families when it comes to prepping or planning… Continue Reading →
Everyone loves pie…but what is the best pie this time of year? Cherry? Apple? Pecan? Check out the link below to find out!
‘Tis the season of thanking. Thanking your parents for all that they do for you. Thanking your friends for keeping you on your toes throughout the semester. Thanking your professors for being lenient during the holidays. Being thankful feels great,… Continue Reading →
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