University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Tag college life

Life Hacks for College Students

By: Kylie Lang Unsure of what to do on campus? You’ve come to the right place. Student life can be overwhelming, but fear not! Let’s turn our college experience into a memorable adventure with some clever life hacks. Need to… Continue Reading →

A Beginner’s Guide to Coffee

By: Peyton Boelk For many college students, coffee is more than just a beverage; it’s a lifeline, a ritual, and sometimes even a form of art. Whether you’re new to the world of coffee or looking to expand your palate,… Continue Reading →

Maintaining a Routine and Building Habits

One of the more difficult aspects in college is finding motivation. Over the past two years at Whitewater, the most common reason I hear about why a student didn’t go to class, or why they missed a workout, or didn’t… Continue Reading →

Ways to Save Money in College

College can be the most exciting and fun times of your life… until you’re taking quarters out of your laundry funds to pay for your Qdoba.  However, there are many ways to save some extra coin throughout your college career…. Continue Reading →

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