My name is Nikki Darnell, I use she/her pronouns and have been a UC employee for a little over a year. I work as a UC graphic designer in the Graphics and Marketing Department, which is such a fun and lively environment. Graphic Designers are often found at their computers working on current projects using Adobe software and their creative eye. Marketing people are also found at their computers and can be found monitoring the UC social media, looking through emails, organizing spreadsheets, or filming content. Everyone in the office is committed to producing and completing their work in a timely and efficient manner, yet we always make time to have fun!

What does an average day look like working for the UC? What does your position entail?

  The first thing I always do coming into the office is to put my name tag on, and log on to my computer. Once I am settled in, I open up the Trello app, which is the program we use to organize all assigned projects, deadlines, progress updates, etc. In the app I go into my column and work on whichever project is due earliest. I work on projects using Adobe software, primarily Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Throughout my shifts, I am always asking for opinions and feedback from my coworkers and boss. Whenever my coworkers or I need a break from the screens we can be seen engaging in all sorts of conversations and funny jokes.

What does being a UC employee mean to you?

  Being a UC employee means I am working at the Heart of Campus. I am directly making an impact on the building and as a direct, the student and staff body as well. Working in the UC makes me feel like I am part of something bigger than myself.

What are some of the most memorable days/moments working for the UC?

  Some of my most memorable days working in the UC are in the summers that I work. So many people are packed into the office so it is fun to surround yourself with so many different projects. In addition, it is always so much fun rotating playing music, as you get to learn everyone’s music taste! #ilistentochristmasmusicbeforedecember

Why should students visit the UC?

  Students should visit the UC because it is seriously such a cool and lively place! There are so many sitting areas to hang out with friends or peers. We have people, food, and entertainment all in one place!

How will your position at the UC help you in your future career?

      My position as a graphic designer in the UC will aid me in my future career as an elementary school teacher because it will allow me to showcase my creative side and decorate and personalize my classroom.

How do you balance school, work, extracurricular activities, and a social life?

     I am addicted to my google calendar app. It is my lifeline and how I balance my life events.