My name is Chase Zimmerman, I use he/him pronouns and have been a UC employee since fall 2021. I work as the Homecoming Chair and ULEAD Co-Coordinator to organize student involvement experiences. I currently work in the office of Student Activities and Involvement. This unit is responsible for the activities of students and the coordination of greater involvement on campus. The staff in this office assist students in finding a student org that interests them, or helps already established student orgs with anything from budgets to event planning. We are also the unit that is responsible for the planning and coordination of large campus events such as Homecoming, ULEAD, or Greek Week.

What does an average day look like working for the UC? What does your position entail?

My average day at the UC starts before or after my daily classes as scheduling in my office is very flexible. I usually begin by greeting those who also work in my office such as UC live or the various pro-staff. My position is responsible for the planning and coordination of the Homecoming Steering Committee which is ultimately responsible for the facilitation for the Homecoming competition. A lot of my work is working with the 12 students on the committee to assist them with their individual competitions as well as working with the advisors to prepare anything needed on the backend. We also assist in the direct facilitation of each homecoming event.

What does being a UC employee mean to you?

Being a UC employee is literally the only thing that has remained constant throughout my now, four years of college. I got hired on Tech Crew prior to even visiting the campus and did my interview virtually from Indiana. Since that August I have been employed at the UC in various roles truly learning the ins and outs of the UC. I absolutely love this building and the many wonderful employees that make it our campus hub. The UC is so many different things to so many different people, for some it’s an office, or work, or a place to eat, or a place to study, or a place to see art, or a place to have fun, or a place to meet and so much more. The diverse range of things to do that this building offers students is just mind-blowing. The people in the building are really what make it the greatest place to work on campus. I love the fact that I am a part of something that is bigger than just me and can really help to make students feel at home here.

What are some of the most memorable days/moments working for the UC?

I have always loved Glow Night at the UC, ever since I was on Tech Crew or a Building manager it has just been a good time. You see so many new students getting their first taste of college and even more veterans just enjoying the tradition of Glow Night. It might be a little intense to work and certainly is not a short day but it is so worth it at the end of the night.

Why should students visit the UC?

Students should visit the UC because it is not only the best place to grab a bite to eat but you can also meet a ton of people from all across campus. It’s a great place to participate in a UC Live event and socialize or just lockdown during a movie or see some quality art at Roberta’s Art Gallery. Personally I am a fan of the Warhawk Connection Center as sometimes it is the quietest place in the building where you can sorta escape from the traffic and noise.

How will your position at the UC help you in your future career?

My various positions in the UC will help me in so many ways post college but one way that I think it will really help me is with my people skills. This job requires me to be quite social and communicate in a professional manner with peers. I think the professionalism that I have gained from this job will help me better transition from the cas0ual relationships of students to the more professional world of business. In most UC units professionalism and customer service is hit pretty hard during training which I think provides employees with a low stakes opportunity to prepare for post college.

How do you balance school, work, extracurricular activities, and a social life?

Outlook Calendar. I would not run without my calendar and I learned that lesson pretty quickly into college after missing a work shift my freshman year. I now put literally everything into my calendar and if it’s not in there I’m probably not there. But, honestly in addition to my calendar it’s also a mental thing. I find myself needing to balance the mental drain of being so social all the time and often find it useful to meditate or just go for a walk with some music in.