By: Hannah Johnson
Making The Gym A Part Of Your Everyday Routine

It can be hard for many people to find motivation or time to work out with school, work, or other matters. There is no one in this world that is 100% motivated to go to the gym every day because motivation naturally comes and goes. The biggest obstacle is having the discipline and consistency with working out. Before I was consistent with going to the gym, I would put it off or tell myself the classic excuse that I’ll just go tomorrow. But we all know I didn’t go tomorrow. A big breakthrough for me was deciding to make the gym a part of my everyday routine and not just an option. Once you take the first step of making it a part of your everyday routine, finding your ‘why’ or your reason is the next step.
Finding Your ‘Why’

Finding your ‘why’ or your reason for going to the gym is what drives your motivation. Choosing your ‘why’ is something that only you can decide because it’s no one but your own personal goal that you would like to achieve at the gym. For example, my ‘why’ right now is keeping my mental health in check by making sure I take time for myself each day to stay active at the gym. Make sure to start your goals small and achievable in the beginning so you can gradually work up towards bigger goals; the more comfortable and consistent you get with your gym routine. Having this drive is what gives me the motivation to go to the gym every day. When there are days you don’t want to go work out, think of your ‘why’ and I promise you that if you truly want to achieve that goal your motivation will instantly rush in.
Listening To Music

Another thing that has helped me stay motivated at the gym is listening to music. It’s fun to pick out your favorite motivating songs and put them all into a playlist. Having this music playing in your headphones while working out takes your mind off everything that may be going on outside of the gym and really makes you focus on the present. I love listening to a lot of different types of music while working out and have different playlists for whatever genre I am feeling in the mood for, for that day. Lately, I’ve been listening to Drake’s new album ‘Certified Lover Boy’ while working out.
Having A Workout Buddy

A big motivator for me, especially in the beginning was having a workout buddy. My brother was the one who definitely got me more serious about going to the gym. Having him show me the ropes of the gym and how certain equipment worked really helped me build my confidence and discipline for myself at the gym. Another good reason to have a workout buddy is that it keeps you accountable. Picking the right workout buddy is important because you want someone who will push themselves alongside you.
Cute Workout Clothes

The last big motivator, which is my favorite and may seem silly to some people is to have cute workout clothes. If I am dressed in cute athletic clothes that I feel good in while working out, my motivation to have a good workout is much higher. The cliche saying ‘if you look good, you feel good’ is very true when it comes to wearing cute athletic clothes at the gym. Some workout clothes that I’ve been loving lately are definitely my workout sets from Shein and Amazon. This gives you another excuse to shop!
In conclusion, the first step to finding motivation for the gym is to finally decide to make it a part of your daily routine. I always think of it as carving out time to do something to improve myself each day. Once you’ve done that it’s time to set your goal or your ‘why’ for working out, like I said earlier my ‘why’ is keeping my mental health in check. Another thing that helps to stay motivated is to put your cute workout fit on, grabbing your workout buddy, and blasting your favorite music in your headphones. I hope that this blog motivates or keeps you motivated to have the gym a part of your daily life
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