So, it’s Valentines Day… and you’re SINGLE! Really, it’s no big deal though. You can probably just hang out with your roomies or something, right? Wait… they’re actually in a relationship with each other, and they planned on going ice skating and making a fancy dinner and all that gooey stuff. Great. And all of your other friends are doing gushy mushy things with their significant others. That leaves you with Netflix, ice cream, and your cat. Awesome.
WELL. I’m here to tell you that you are not alone my friend, and we can get through this together, even though sometimes it feels like Valentine’s Day is really just Singles Awareness Day. Here’s my run-down of activities planned for Saturday:
- Go to Walmart and make fun of all of the cheesy Valentine’s Day cards. Isn’t that all this holiday is about anyway? (Thanks modern society for monetizing love! Love is measured by the number of flowers and gifts you receive, right?…*sigh*)
- Remember what Valentine’s Day was like in elementary school. SO. MUCH. CANDY. And that’s all it ever was. Candy… and a really awesome party with treats and Valentine cards and stuff. Note to self: Make giving Valentines to literally everyone cool again.
- Go to the candy aisle because that’s all you can think about now…buy a bunch of the discounted candy and indulge. You don’t have to share it with anyone, right?
- Take a few moments to appreciate the amount of effort that went in to making this video.
- Cry because that video was super cute and you can’t. even.
- Get your coziest jammies on and snuggle up in bed with ice cream + Netflix + your cat. My crazy schedule doesn’t really give me a chance to ever really “do nothing”, so I’m going to totally embrace it.
- If Netflix and kitty cuddles isn’t your thing (does this apply to anyone?), get yourself a new hobby! Knitting? Baking? Parkour? Belly button lint collecting? ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. (That belly button lint collecting thing is for real… People actually do that… )
But most importantly: I’m going to take some time to celebrate an awesome holiday all about love with pretty much the most awesome person I know: myself.
I’m no expert on love by any means, but I can tell you that being single on Valentine’s Day isn’t the worst thing that could ever happen to you. Trust me, I’ve been doing it for years and I’m still alive.
Even better, I’m not only alive, I’m thriving. Without having a significant other attached to my side, I’m happy, healthy, and living my life the best way I know how. I’m starting to ramble, though, so let me get to the point: you do not need to be in a relationship to be valid on Valentine’s Day, or any other day. You’re not “just” another single. The whole point of this holiday is to show some love- to your friends, to your family, and to yourself. In my opinion, far too many people out there show their love in super cheesy and creepy ways (let’s be honest…no one really wants or needs a life-size teddy bear, and if you do, it’s time to reconsider your life priorities) on just this one day a year. What about the other 364?
With the business and craziness of everyday life, it can be all too easy to forget to acknowledge the people in our lives that matter most. Why not use this Valentine’s Day as a reminder to spend the rest of the year letting people know how much they mean to you? Love really is everywhere, and not just the mushy, semi-nauseating version that rears its head every February 14. Single or not, take a moment to remember and appreciate all of the wonderful, amazing people that are in your life, including yourself, and celebrate that this year.
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