Archive for November 29th, 2017

Nov 29 2017

Traveling 101: Where To Stay On Vacation

Published by under Traveling 101

Hello again!

So, we’ve talked about how to travel to places for cheaper prices and we’re going to find out some fun activities to do for a cheaper price in the next week or so. But we haven’t yet talked about housing.

When you’re traveling, buying a hotel room can be the most convenient option sometimes but also the biggest dent in your wallet.

So how can you save money on your living arrangement during a vacation? Let me tell you!

In recent years this website called has made it’s way into travelers lives and for good reason.

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This website gives you the ability to search for houses, apartments, and other housing locations that are available in whatever city you are traveling to. When you split these prices with friends you can get it for a decent price and save that money.

But if you still want to stay at a hotel I recommend going through saving websites or websites that give you cheaper options when you’re buying your airfare or if you’re planning on  getting a rental car. Trivago is a website you hear of often.

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Lastly, the best way to save money is look for friends or family that live in that area and stay with them. I know for me, I’ve done that in Washington D.C., Orlando, and Chicago. It’s saved me HUNDREDS over time and there are lots of benefits.

I hope these tips have helped you, an if you have any yourself feel free to leave them in the comments below!

Until next time,


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