Archive for the 'Holidays' Category

Nov 26 2017

Thankful: For The Opportunities I’ve Had

Published by under Holidays

Hello there!

Now, this article probably seems a bit different from my usual but it being thanksgiving, I wanted to do an appreciation post to my family, friends, and you who are reading this.

First things first, thank you to all of the people who read this. I know there aren’t a ton of you but I do see the views and it means a lot to know that someone clicked on just one article. It gives me the motivation to keep doing my blog.

Second, a HUGE thank you to my family and most importantly my parents. They’ve always encouraged my traveling on a spur and have never hindered me. I’ve seen the parents that don’t let their kids go out of the city they live in and I’m thankful my parents always pushed me to do the opposite. They might not be funding my trips but when I was under 18 and even now they still love when I go on one.

Lastly, my friends. I’m thankful to have such good friends near or far who like to go on adventures with me. If I didn’t have them, I probably wouldn’t have traveled this much because I wouldn’t want to go alone. Here’s to the memories we have no and the many more to come.

Leave a comment below on what you’re thankful for!

Until next time,


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