esports,  Tech

Was everyone wrong about staying in and playing games?

With this week, I decided to do another game-based blog… I know this is about tech, but the world is a bit interesting right now.

Were you ever told that you needed to go outside and that staying indoors and playing games or watching tv was never a good idea? Well with everything happening right now, that is the best thing to do!

So here is an article from the New York Times about a streamer and how they are the go to during this pandemic.


  • Brett Reader

    It’s interesting to see how a job once considered a waste of time and money unintentionally manages to be the most prepared for a pandemic. Maybe this will spark discussion about how we can change workplace behaviors to be better prepared in the future.

  • Ian Dunn

    Some of my family is struggling with loneliness during the pandemic, i’ve been showing them various games (like .io games) and it’s been helping them stay sane.

  • Luke Tegtman

    I watch streamers play Call of Duty every day in the morning. Now with this pandemic, I have it on for a good part of the day. These gamers must be racking in the bucks with all of these subs.

  • perral

    The sand price prediction in January 2020 predicted that the crypto would break through the $0.10 barrier and rise towards $1 sometime in April 2021. However, the market didn’t follow the forecast and the price fell steadily. By the end of April, the price of SAND was $0.08266. It had risen 130% since December. This prompted a lot of investors to purchase this cryptocurrency. Here’s a look at the price history of the SAND.

  • Emma

    I don’t think there is anything wrong with playing games. Plus, you can make money doing it. Today, in all familiar gambling games, you can bet in virtual currencies, learn more about crypto bookies here

  • Alla

    I often sit at home and play and I can not go out for days, I relax like that and I like it. Recently, I even decided to find a new site for the game, and this article helped me a lot in this. She may and you will like the advice to read

  • meeloundaixie


  • mohamed-- zayed

    شركة تنظيف بتبوك

    تعتبر عملية التنظيف من أولويات كل منزل في المنطقة وتتطلب مواد ومعدات خاصة للقيام بأفضل عملية تنظيف. ولذلك لا يجد عميلنا مكان يوفر لك كل ما تحتاجه للقيام بأعمال التنظيف التي تحتاجها سوى شركة تنظيف بتبوك والتي تعتبر من أقوى الشركات العاملة في هذا المجال تحرص شركة التنظيف على أن تكون رقم واحد في مجالها، وذلك من خلال توفير كافة ما يلزم من معدات وأدوات وأجهزة ومواد تنظيف وغيرها، بالإضافة إلى وجود قوة عاملة أكثر محترفة يمكنها تقديم الكثير لعملائها المتميزين الذين يتوقعون المهارة والكفاءة في كل عمل يتلقونه من شركتنا. وهذا ما يميزنا عن غيرنا، العمل الذي نعمل على تنفيذه باحترافية كبيرة.

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